I hate this Crest system so much! Give me just 1 currency Blizz

I love that we can upgrade our gear and I love getting it at the end of each dungeon. Love it. This Crest system blows though. You have to run “this level of dungeon to get this level of crest” sucks. I have too many types of crest for the gear that I have. I get a piece of gear that I want to trade to someone else in the dungeon and I can’t because it’s an item level upgrade, even though I’ll never equip it. Please fix this system before TWW comes out. This is just crazy. I love running dungeons and gearing but this just blows.
I am getting gear and I am upgrading it, but the system is just way too frustrating.


Crests are fine. The flightstones suck though.


Just delete my rant plz. I’m just frustrated with this dumb system.

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Think the problem was people would farm 2’s for gear and crests back when there wasn’t tiers.

Not sure why they didn’t go with a more common solution like upgrade costs and crests rewards significantly increasing with level. So you can do 2’s but at the top end levels it takes you 10 times as long to upgrade something that way.


Why is their rate so weird!? Like you never have enough at the beginning to match your crest rate, then it quickly flips to not having enough ways to spend flightstones! D:


I couldn’t care less about currency…except that as a PvP player I have to grind out m2+ to get awakened wyrm crests and it’s beyond frustrating! I have to have precog as a healer to do PvP. I actually ended up just paying some super m+ carebears to carry me through m+ because I can’t stand the content and I dont understand why PvP players have to do this terrible content.
I really hope we get new leadership soon. Everyone else has been fired.


Why do you need to grind out Wyrm Crests?

I need precog! I need 45 to make that stupid thing to put into my crafted piece is such garbage

Crests are fine. Better crests to get better upgrades SHOULD come only from more challenging content. That’s RPG design 101.

Flightstones are another story. And the 2k cap is ridiculously small; there should be no cap or something like 20k. They left off a zero!


The reason why we have 4 tiers of crests is because prior with Valor people would just spam Mythic +2’s (currently M0 is equivalent to a +10 and a M+2 is equivalent to a +12).

Whelpling = LFR ilvl
Drake = Normal ilvl
Wyrm = Heroic ilvl
Aspect = Mythic ilvl

To remove crests would require there to be another, more annoying system, to be in place likely limiting your upgrade to your M+ ilvl and highest raid difficulty clear.

PvP gear was this way in Season 1 requiring you to have certain PvP ratings to upgrade the PvP ilvl.

You don’t need any Wyrm crests for precog.

All you need is a Spark of Awakening, the precog optional reagent item, and the PvP ilvl boost optional reagent item at the Honor or Conquest PvP vendors:

Note there is greater and lesser versions depending on the armor slot.

Too much social engineering in a vidya game.

Just let players do what they want to do. If it means they’re content to just spam low level content for “upgrades” then let them.

“But that just means they won’t do ‘harder’ content.”

Oh no! :roll_eyes:

Here’s an idea. Just make doing dungeons fun. If you need to over-incentivize people to participate in the content, then it isn’t good content.


They can.

They can.

Indeed; nobody cares if they only do lower content.

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Flightstones are much worse than the crests.


A big problem with flightstones is the need to have constant ‘flightstone sinks’ or you lose out on flightstones due to the cap.

A good example was the start of the Emerald Dream patch. As a tank, I was passing on all of the gear to my friends and didn’t have any upgrades to sink stones into. The campaign was giving out a ton of stones, but I got pretty much none of it because I was capped the whole time since I had nothing to spend it on.

Then i started getting upgrades after that and was perpetually short on flightstones.


Flightstones in a nutshell is: You are either at 2000 or close to it OR below 200.

There is no inbetween.


I was going to put off using my bullion to buy an item, so I could see what drops I got and make a more informed decision.

Then I realized “oh… I need a flightstone sink or I’ll regret it” so I bought something from the bullion vendor, just for that.

Well to be fair I’m sure 80% of people spent their 2 Bullion on their BiS weapon because unless they had it drop on Myth track its what you should buy.

Brewmaster BiS weapons can be… complicated. :frowning:

(our BiS offhand last season was a strength axe…)

I think the reason bliz put the flightstone cap so low was to force people to spend them instead of hoarding to wait for a bis item like we had to with Valor.

Now that we’ve had them for a few seasons people know how it works and we can remove the cap.