Topic says it all.
It is going to take some time to get use to them. I don’t mind this part of the forums but the main area seems too cluttered and not “even”.
I admit that trying to read long threads on the cell phone at work seemed a lot more work than it should be, but once you scroll through the thread and re-enter the thread you can get to the most recent posts quickly enough. Slowly, I am changing my opinion about the new forums to they are not that bad as it seemed. Hopefully it will improve from there.
They are not terrible just, i feel i need something other than chemical dependency training to work them.
I actually really like them. They are more modern and it’s works very well on my phone. Especially with the home screen mode support.
But I have seen that they don’t run well on all phones.
I enjoy some aspects.
+No level 1s “anon” posting trash
+The emotes (soon gifs) are kind of cool.
+The scrolling feature
+The notifications on threads I care about
+Seeing when others are reading a thread or what others are actually paying attention to is pretty cool
-I can’t comment and bump my own thread with out someone else commenting between my comments???
-Your comments and threads have to have a minimum character limit??? (“The Emboldened” was deemed not enough characters for our recruitment thread header.)
All in all I am hoping the bugs will be worked out and (knowing Blizz it will take some time and other “bugs” will be messed with long before complaints about these) adjusting to something new. Most of us being creatures of habit (I assume since we’re playing a game that rarely listens to feed back and doesn’t always offer the best customer service.) change can be a little grrr inducing.
I think I’ll eventually like then quite a bit though.
I just want my stickies back
Grrr I hate change.
Is there a way to change the toon you are posting on or do you really have to be logged onto the character to post? This sucks because I post on a lot of different toons on the transmog threads.
Click your little picture in the top right corner header, and at the bottom it says change character. @Velléda-emerald-dream
I have no little picture and that option is no longer there.
I still see it maybe due to bein on ipad
Twitter is better.
Cannot sticky and cannot link url, least wont let me. Tried to copy paste the community thread here.
I still miss signatures.
Weird, I received a notification someone had replied so i clicked it and the change character was at the bottom, but once the blue notification circle went away I could not see anything until i mouse over it then I can only see the outline of a square. Its as if my pictures are turned off.
I admit the new forums are a bit weird, but we’ll all get used to them soon enough, or just stop using them.
See, I told you guys. GRR INDUCING!
I hate everything about these new forums.
I only browse on mobile while at work and the endless scroll is horrible design.
The load times are slower than the old forums, and I have a newish (within 6mos) gaming phone, so it’s not my hardware’s fault.
Scrolling is choppy af.
The old forums were elegant in their simplicity. The new “upgrade” feels like adware infected my phone.
This is definitely pretty n e a t, only thing I’m gonna miss is the pages, and not this endless scrolling