I hate the 4th of July

Please, my dog lives under the flight path of harriers, f15s, f22s, and an occasional C17 like plane.

The 4th was like downgrading from a hurricane to a sprinkle.

Which makes you wonder why they thought the War on Drugs was ever going to work. They should’ve learned from Prohibition.


Well OP maybe you should train your dog instead of crying about one day of the year that has been going on for years as a tradition now

Our cat made himself a little sleeping spot on a shelf behind our clothes hanging in the closet and it does a great job at muffling the sound. Though this year wasn’t too bad. People weren’t setting off fireworks past 2AM. I’m pretty shocked to say the least because I’m used to hearing obnoxious squealer bottle-rockets until 4AM most 4ths.

The “War on Drugs” became a sort of cottage industry, made a lot of people rich on both side, with regular people in the middle.

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Also turned prisons into a private industry full of nonviolent offenders caught with weed. Everything’s a moneymaking scheme in this country lol


And the police aren’t doing anything about the constant harassment?

Hate it too. My cat always runs and hides. this years wasn’t as bad a last years but I did drive around and write down the address of the offending parties. The police had better lock them up or maybe I’ll have lawyer press some charges and cause them to no longer afford to live in or around my neighborhood.

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There is no bait

I do live in the middle of BFE (two of my “neighbors” are 100+ acres of corn or soy beans) and like I said before, my dogs are kind of used to it because there’s someone always firing a gun (sometimes it’s me or the husband.)

Where the problem comes in is we’re not there this weekend. We’re in our second home that we share with my MIL on an island in Michigan. The houses in some areas of the island are just like a regular neighborhood. Someone right across the canal was doing their “light show” and that’s what was making all the dogs go crazy. My dogs eventually calmed down but the MIL’s dogs are unfortunately city dogs and are not used to any of this.

She bought them Thundervest and they turned out to be the scam I knew they were :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll get right on that when you train yourself how to read. I was never crying.


Don’t worry Toffee the tony tovi-tablen taffy, :slight_smile:

2020 has ruined real life fireworks for me forever. Now their just noise during the day and night. :grimacing:

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I have Misophonia (no. not fear of phonies, sensitivity to sounds) and July 4th is the worst. I’m worse at withstanding all the loudness of Independence Day than a pet. Been this way all my life.

Every 4th of July is truly a painful nightmare for me with the extra loud fireworks. The not-so-loud ones are fine, big booms are hurtful to my ears and whole body. Not just give me a horrible migraine type headache but make me physically nauseous sick.

It feels like I’m the only one who experiences this on this kind of level. Certainly the only one in my whole family to.

I hate Misophonia :rage:


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Excuse me, how do you “train” a dog, or cat. to be able to hear sounds less?

Also how to train a person to do this too? By going deaf?

How would that help the world be better? Get everyone to go further and further deaf so we, they, everybody keeps turning the sound up further and further just to hear it?

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By exposing them to louder sounds??? Not rocket science. Just like training a dog

Understand about the animal meltdown thing… Have you tried thundershirts?

Yeah they’re either a scam or don’t work on my MIL’s dogs.

That sounds more closely to animal abuse to me. Sounds so loud to be painful to a pet’s ears would be abuse same as if you were beating it. You’re still hurting the pet.

My dog is terrified of fireworks…but this new place I’m living in started setting off fireworks every night since June 1st…by the time July 4th came she was used to it…lol

Im not talking about blasting a cannon with speakers right on their ears

Well, please tell us what you are talking about since you’re an animal trainer.