I hate Barbie dolls

Okay, listen Blizzard’s favorite race, stop hogging all the attention. There’s races out there that DESERVE attention. Trolls hardly get any love, same with taurens. What about the poor vulperas? Just please, stop!


We haven’t had reliable data in a few years…but it was (and likely still is) the player’s favorite race(s). It makes sense to prioritize the races that most players play, at least to some extent.

Although I do agree that some races, like mechagnomes, need some attention.


You really need to go outside.


Yeah, I agree. None of the races have been truly updated, yes there was the Shadowlands prepatch which helped the races out but the allied races have been neglected.


This. I was ZT for ages, but the like…six options in the customs menu got so boring. Nevermind the fact that Blizz can’t be bothered to fix the glitched transmog appearances.


I know, why add allied races if you’re just going to neglect them? I’m all for adding customization for all races, but it’d be nice to have an equal amount. Excluding Dracthyr here.


blood elves are the worst. took me like 14 years before i could bear to even think about playing one.

when demon hunters came out i didnt have a choice, really.


Puts on Gil’nean brand spectacles


“I’m a Blood Elf girl, In a Blood Elf world!
I’m fantastic, and dynastic
You can brush my hair
and make me anywhere”

“Come on Blood Elf lets go Blood Elf!”

okay I’m done


People have been programmed to believe that a certain body type is the only standard for beauty and anything else is disgusting. So yeah, they are gonna play the barbie race bc they want to fit that standard. Or they’re pervs who find pixels attractive.

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Don’t forget us gnomes. You hardly see us and its not because of our height. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I love barbie dolls LOL, however everyone already knows that being i made several comments about them.

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No one wants to be ugly. Whether its irl or in-game. Most people like to look nice!

Ur jest jellie bcuzc we’re pritty n ur stuck being u! ~twirly jump!~


Don’t hate me because I am beautiful.

The evolution from you to me took serious time, magic and more than one cultural revolution.

Is it lonely up there, on your pedestal?


Nope, to be lonely one would have to first enjoy the presence/company of others.

Worgen say hello…

At least you got options. As a core race Worgen have 5 options. So ya Im all for you getting more options… After the races that really need some love get it.

I don’t think all the attention in the world is going to entice people to play those disasters. Their racial is already wildly OP, and that didn’t get people to play them.

If you can’t stand to look at your character, it doesn’t matter how OP the racials are.

I think just letting them wear shorts instead of the diaper would make the world of difference. Or letting them choose which limbs they want mechanized instead of all of them.