Yeah was pretty confused when I saw them "bragging"about that number hahaha… our 442 Aug does 140-150k on assault and he’s basically drunk all the time.
…Especially since the comment was about our personal dps and not total contribution.
Also, this is how my elderly relatives on Facebook use sporadic caps lock, lol.
Well, how would you feel if someone who doesn’t play or know your class or spec tells you that you do nothing and don’t contribute at all.
You tell them your accomplishments as said spec and tell them to go look at facts.
And you should be more open minded. I’m not bragging, I’m literally just listing facts. It’s different.
If I wanted to brag I’d talk about how I’m in the top 50 for Aug evokers on my Connected Realm(not region, It would be higher if I only counted my specific realm) But I’m not gonna since that is irrelevant and doesn’t matter.
Why even list how much dps you deal when it’s not at all impressive?
You just prove that you weren’t afk.
I would absolutely not care, this is a video game forum.
Yikes, you keep making it worse. First, you obviously did want to brag if you followed it up with another brag that you’re 'not being about ’ lol.
You’re just proving that you’re a small fish in a smaller pond. I haven’t pushed m+ in months, have ~450 io on you and I’m not even in the top 800. I used to be number one on a dead realm before transferring back to a52 because of how underpopulated they are.
Please stop. If getting your feelings hurt over someone insulting your spec on an Internet forum weren’t bad enough, trying to stroke your ego over mediocrity on here is even worse.
Finally, something we can agree on (even though saying you’re “not gonna” do something after literally doing it is pretty crazy,lol).
Remove augmentation and give us the tank spec evokers deserve.
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Eww, I’d rather not have a tank spec.
Augmentation is a meme.
Sorry not sorry.
Well it won’t happen. Sorry not sorry.
The guy that can’t let go of having a “ranged tank” spec is calling Aug a meme and fails to see the irony.
Top tier content in here, keep it coming.
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What’s really funny is he’s now playing AUG LOL
Everyone should be on interrupts? Am
I wrong?