I Hate Artisan's Acuity

I don’t see any good that this adds to the game.


Wish it was as easy as the mettle was at least once a week like it was if DF.


I didn’t really do much crafting in DF so I can’t speak to that, but I do know 300 AA per blue profession tool is RIDICULOUS.

Moreover, I just really don’t see what it adds to the profession system. I like a lot of the revamps, but this one really seems dumb. What happened to just going out and farming the mats, then getting your item crafted. ::sighs::


I don’t see why the darkmoon faire quests dont give it, they gave the mettle in dragonflight.

the first week it was out I can see an argument for it, but not months into the expansion.


Time gate, that is all it is.


Considering the profession system is likely “done” til Midnight (they never did anything with it in DF after S1) they probably figure by the time TWW ends, players will have accrued the 900 acuity for their 3 profession tools.

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plus the 600, 800? for your two profession bags, and the 300 for the fishing line.


But professions are already time-gated by knowledge and just general leveling…

I don’t understand why professions need a time-gate anyway.

Can’t we have ONE thing in the game free of artificial time gates than you can just grind to completion as long as you have the play time? I loved playing catch up with my mining, gaining knowledge consistently (at least until I ‘caught up’). Why can’t the system just be like that the whole time?


Acuity feels like valor stones.

A needless second level of currency to farm.


It’s even worse for me, I stick with engineering. It’s like an extra punch to the gut on top of professions in general.


A pure gathering toon is screwed gathering acuity, no patron orders. At 150 per recipe and 300 per craft, imagine tailor with chanting, there should be that free weekly quest like we had in DF. Hopefully in the next season…

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Way before then. I have all 3 now on my blacksmith and the “tool” for my mining. I just need 2 more and I will have all 6. And thats including the purchase of all 6 books in dorn as well as other zones for the professions.

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Acuity made me give up on crafting.


And 300 for the fishing pole, and 300 for the line, and more for the tool enchants.

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Someone else brought up profession/reagent bags and something for fishing? I didn’t even know about those. :rofl:

36 slot regular bags that give a profession kick, 300.

We need more pre week!

Cool story, bro. Got get 900 more after that for cooking and fishing tools.

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How so? You get 5 per knowledge point gained. Just doing mining/herb right now you get 3000 AA.

To get all the knowledge books for gathering is 1600 AA, then to get all 6 profession tools is 1800 that’s 3400 AA total for everything. So you’re only short 400 at the current time. You get 100 per week per gathering profession with the drops + quest. SO that’s just 2 more weeks and you will have enough for all 6 tools and all the books.

EDIT: My math didn’t math right… it’s 100 a week TOTAL not for each gathering profession.

20 for the 4 regular drops, another 20 for the 4 point drop, and 10 for the quest turn in.

Getting a big multicraft proc on the fishing line feels great though :slight_smile:

I have all the books, treasures, and others. It’s down to the weekly for mining and herbs 30, the 10 single KP from gathering 50, and the two 3 KPs 30. 110 a week is all you get when fully caught up.

I have the fishing pole and line, both tools and enchants, and one accessory. Still need 3 accessories and two bags. At 3 weeks per, that’s months. And like someone else said, why gate professions at all?