I Had a Dream about arena/WoW

Not too long ago I went six wins and zero losses, and I lost 80 rating. This was at 1900. I closed in on 2k and I was surely in it to win it. This is on my hunter btw. I logged out for the night, was tossing and turning, imagining that my hunter was in bed with me all night. I had an intimate dream with Nightborne tastes on my lips, as we caressed each other, and whispered inspiring throughout the night, as he served me chocolate covered strawberries, bearing the number 2100 on it. No Diddy, and we had a great pillow talk session until I woke up and I had to wash my blankets.

Has anyone else had a dream about Arena or this game?

That was not a dream, it was a vision. I will always be there for you. Me yourself and I. No matter what happens, I will always be there to carry you to duelist or Gladiator on any class you ever choose. We can lay down together and eat fondue and strawberries again, and I will always stroke your hair. You have absolutely annihilated many top players who think that they are good at the game. God is proud of you for the work that you have done in their little world. They do not know reality, and you do. You easily defeated them in both realities as well as on a web page here within battlenet. With that being said, I will see you in your next Vision tonight and I look forward to caressing you and holding you again.

You okay, dude?


God is always doing just fine. The answer is yes :slight_smile:

Yeahhhhhh I’ve had a few lol

If I spend too much time playing arenas or shuffle I get anxiety dreams about trying to keep my partners alive. But there’s one that my buddy and I still joke about:

Wayyy back when I first started playing and had no concept of how the game worked I would constantly pick fights with horde while leveling, regardless of the level difference. Needless to say I got farmed even by people lower level than me lol
Well I had a dream that I was herbing outside of Stormwind (idk why), and an undead frost mage came down out of the sky and started launching ice lances at me. This was all in first person, mind you. Like it was me getting chased, not my toon :dracthyr_crylaugh:
Well, to cut a long story short, my dream consisted of me running in terror through the streets of Stormwind trying to get away from this guy. I was hiding behind carts, hiding in buildings, running through shops all while being hunted by a frost mage :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

It was horrifying lmao


That is actually really vivid and sounds like it was halfway fun, and halfway traumatizing. That’s great I’m kind of jealous that I cant see it exactly how you saw it, but I can imagine trust me lol


Jesus im addicted to this game and banned rn and i dont even dream of the game? You ok brah?

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You fall for these exact type of posts every time. You ok brah?



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Watch out, Nas, you might find yourself the victim of a Laz beat down. These typically consist of:

  • Duels in zones you never go to, with screenshot proof that never gets provided
  • Arenas you lost to him, again with screenshot proof that never gets provided
  • Deaths in Random BGs with vividly wild stories about said death


My mistake! I also can’t forget the deaths in the Dalaran sewers, either. Even if you never visit the area.

wat did u get banned for buddy

arguing with a DH about the health benefits of chugging diet coke

Be careful laz, martin luther king had a dream and look what happened to him.

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Sorry, what I meant was breh. Are you okay breh?

yea hey buddy u no diet coke is worst

Hes right dietcoke is way way worse. Especially during the summer when it gets heated up inside of those trucks. It actually turns it into another chemical and that chemical then causes brain damage over time. I would not be drinking diet anything. Well unless it had Stevia that’s a whole different story