Fine. I’ll post this on my druid alt so we can get rid of the distraction of horde vs. alliance.
Let’s talk about all of the wow races in terms of what they tend to lose.
Orcs: they have lost their entire homeworld and all of their sacred places aside from the quarantined village in nagrand. Orgrimmar is a pit in the middle of the desert that Garrosh was miserable to be in.
Gnomes: they have yet to reclaimed mechagon and many gnomes feel trauma still from the curse of flesh, making many of them obsessed with replacing body parts with mechanical pieces.
Dwarves: one of the few races that haven’t lost a lot en mass, but they are barely in the story and get very little focus. Temporarily lost their leader but got him back.
Draenei: they were genocided by orcs and their own people. They lost their homes twice and then nearly a third time when the legion invaded the exodar.
Blood elves and high elves: 90% of them are dead thanks to arthas and their city is in ruins. Lost their faction leader in BC. Took until MoP for Lorthemar to get development.
Nightbourne: temporarily got their happy ending but lost many loved ones to the Legion.
Tauren: almost as irrelevant as the dwarves tot he main story but got to keep their village. Lost their original leader in cataclysm.
Dark spear trolls: Lost their leader in Legion. Lost their homes at the beginning of wow but got it back.
Zandalari: Lost their leader in BFA. Had their holy sites pillaged and their navy decimated. Still crumbling from within and worse off than they started during BFA.
worgen: lost their [new at the time] city but retained most of their lore leaders.
Kultiras: Doing just fine, ruled by a demigod.
Stormwind: Doing just fine, don’t need to talk about this one. Lost Varian the moment he got some interesting moral nuance though.
pandas: had their entire continent violated by the faction war and their most sacred places destroyed.
Forsaken: lost their homes twice, betrayed by their leaders twice, reviled by the world, entire thematic narrative underminded
Vulpera: caravans set on fire, mobile homes destroyed.
void elves: outsiders literally everywhere, no home, no close allies
night elves: one of their world trees burned, none of their major faction leaders offed, Tyrande likely getting set up to make night elf paladins in the lore, still have the blessing and are the chosen of the main deity in wow
where there are woods, there can be night elves and new moonwells. nelves are an incredibly versatile and omnipresent race that are tied to the land itself.
The entirety of legion and a good chunk of the war campaign was about nelves being the stars of the show while the horde collapsed from within yet again.
Nelves get plenty of attention and shining moments of glory and with ardenwealde once again giving them a large chunk of the enchanted forest fantasy this does not seem on schedule to change.