I guess it's over (Goodbye)

I was talking about Ashenvale for phasing. They phased the horde push, they didn’t phase it for alliance though so everything was still under attack.

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Actually the only phasing used in Ashenvale for the Cataclysm revamp was the fire attack on Astranaar being phased to being undone Alliance side.


yall really gotta make up your minds whether night elves are weak and crushed, or powerful and rising.

I mean there is an actual real-world ideology that hinges on the idea of a nation at once being weak AND all-powerful, I guess…


Just wanted to say, I’m really sorry you’re feeling like this. I may not even be a Nelf fan, let alone a Nelf player, but the way Blizzard is writing Nelves is just pissing me off to no end. It started in Cata and only got worse from there. Even one of my favorite races (Trolls/Zandalari) just got their city invaded/ransacked their King killed and now one of the most powerful Loa on Zandalar has been weakened by having his shrines destroyed and his followers killed. I’m not happy with how he’s being written either. I hope with time you’ll start to feel better and maybe post here again, even if I’ve rarely posted on here as well.

~Ahmanet Sam’de

ps. taking a break from WoW does help! I did it a few years ago because I didn’t enjoy WoD/Legion’s story, but came back for BfA so I could look at the story again with fresh eyes


You may have had an argument back in 2004 when WoW first launched, because Wacraft 3 was the last time they were ever “on a pedestal” as a faction of their own.

Or you’re just trying to discredit and dehumanize a fan base that you don’t like.


She has Darkshore to show for it if Amadis and others are right in saying that cannonically the Night Elves have reclaimed Darkshore and some of Ashenvale.

I knwo this could be perceived as a necro… but i just wanted to say welcome back elesana.

Official Forums is ether A: A Drug that you break yourself from or B: just keep coming back due to loneliness. Sad but true.


It is definitely B for me, but a bit of A too, and a dash of egotism too boot. I renewed my sub just because I saw something on here and couldn’t resist.

This dump being ignored by Blizzard is one of the saving graces of the story.

So, you like being completely ignored huh?

That doesn’t mean squat nowadays though… didn’t Metzen retire back in 2016? This is a completely different Blizzard we’re talking about… that’s almost like saying Square Enix actually gives a damn about Chrono Trigger, a game that Squaresoft made before their merger…

If history is anything to go by…it will be precisely the opposite. Blizzard are a bunch of liars and cucks these days who will say anything to get your money. Namely by deception and deliberately wasting their players’ time.

I think there are more bad opinions than good ones here. So better they all be ignored than they all be listened to.


SMH… doesn’t mean you can’t listen to the ones you agree with… I’m fairly certain at least some of the writers gather some input from these forums and elsewhere, like other social media platforms… how else do some fan theories / speculations happen to come true, other than by guessing correctly?

I don’t trust Blizzard to only agree with the good ones.

Guessing correctly.

This is the same feeling I has as when someone ETSes. Grats, best of luck on the other side. You won’t regret it.

This “Elesana thing” seems wrought from troll posts. It creates goodbye threads as it makes 10 more posts with level 20 Alts. Or whatever new characters it can spawn.

This thread is like Gorefiend. Fed with the souls of the bitter who feed it.

/tosses bitterness crumbs to the thread

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lol why is your summary of SL made up?

There, I fixed it.


Elesana is never truly gone tbh <3

Like Cthulhu.