I guess I'm done with HC

Died at level 60. Got aggro on some random mobs, and vanished. Combat dropped entirely, then they reaggroed right away. Bugs in this game make it unplayable, literally.

That’s a shame, but I suppose that’s the end of the road.

Yeah. I wouldn’t care if it was because of my own mistake. I’ve died in my 50s before, due to my own mistake. Dying to a flat out bug just makes me not want to play anymore

Death isn’t fair… a lesson we all learn. :frowning:


While this is true. The game needs to be, or it’ll bleed players till none are left.


Even the most masochistic will tire eventually. It’s only a matter of time.

It is a video game. Nothing special about playing it. If you handicap your own experience that is on you. Go agane and do it without addons or guides. Instead with your own experience from past failures

HC has nothing to do with masochism - and everything with fun.
This fun is sometimes spoiled by bugs, crashes and other things outside our control.
In an ideal world this would not happen, and I think Blizz could - and should - do way more to limit those things from happening.


I would add that the fun is in the experience. Experience is how you, as a player, move through azeroth. Dont undermine that experience by trying to mimic another player or actively circumvent the challenges it provides

Why should I?

Ogremush seems to be suggesting that we must “Play the game as I see fit”.

Mr. Mush, until you are paying my sub fee, you don’t get to tell me how to spend my time in game. I appreciate your concern, but no thanks.


Grats on getting to 60.

Personally once you get to 60 the mode isn’t as fun as levelling was, so I consider getting to 60 the end of the challenge, and for me I just park the 60 and start a new toon.

I got a mage to 60, and now levelling a shaman and have not logged back into the mage.

Of course this is subjective but levelling in hardcore is where the most fun lies.


I agree. I too made it to 60, now I’m taking a short break, only logging in to use Proff cooldowns, but I’ll be back levelling alts :slight_smile:


Nah. The hc community has accepted this for the last 20 some years and I doubt anyone really expects things to be so bug free and free of connection issues that it will dramatically change to the point of reliability you’re asking for anytime in the next 20.

It sucks to die like that but it’s just a part of hardcore.

While this is true, the HC servers are way more unstable and buggy as compared to how Era was before HC and mainly SoD launched.
I have played IronMan since 2012, and I can count on one hand and have fingers to spare the times i died to a Blizzard-caused bug or a DC in all those years. I need more than one hand to count my HC deaths from these same reasons.


Ironman isnt hc.

Why not? HC means no death, and this was (is still I suppose) the driving idea behind IronMan.

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It’s a variation of Hardcore, so it’s still hardcore. Just as self found is a variant and is still hardcore.


Ironman still has the death=delete rule so it still 100% counts as hardcore. If anything Hardcore is an easy version of Ironman.


Yeah, the rules for Ironman are pretty harsh, also what the add-on termed as Ironman really wasn’t the real iron man challenge. I put the rules below. Maybe when I have time to really play again I will try it. Obviously the rule hard parts are rules 1, 4, 5, 6. I think 7 would also be a pain, but maybe could find a weak aura that strips buffs that aren’t yours to make it simpler to avoid drive by buffing.

  1. All gear employed must be White or Grey. Also, no Heirlooms of any sort.
  2. No transfer of gear, items, or money from any other character (yours or others).
  3. No gear enhancement(s), thus no socketed gems, enchanting or reforging. Exceptions exist for class abilities (example: rogue poisons).
  4. No specializations, talent points, or glyphs. This restriction also applies to talent points for pets.
  5. No professions or secondary skills. An exception is made for First Aid.
  6. No potions/flasks/elixirs (except those labeled as quest items).
  7. No food buffs or other external buffs (this includes buffs from items and other players).
  8. No grouping or assistance from other characters, even if not grouped.
  9. No dungeons/raids. No battlegrounds/arenas.
  10. No guilds. An exception is made for Iron Man guilds. No guild perks.
  11. No Recruit-A-Friend activities. The intention of the challenge is that it be done without assistance.
  12. No add-ons that assist in combat and/or leveling.
  13. THE BIG ONE: No deaths. Character death for any reason disqualifies the character.