I got to 3k IO and AOTC on 7 Classes playing casually, AMA!

That is what I said though. Total time spent doesn’t equate if someone is casual at something or hardcore, it is how they spend the time.

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But how someone spends their time is subjective. For me, queuing up and running 20s is very easy, I can turn my brain off. But if I had to say work on professions I would have multiple screens up with different guides/sites, dozens of addons tracking everything to farm/craft,

See that is why you can’t say xyz content is hardcore but ABC is not. Because for me, M+ is VERY low effort, something I can do asleep. But many other aspects of the game that come easy to you like leveling alts is VERY painstaking on my brain. I pay boosters to level my toons or use ingame boosts.

This is why time spent is the only indicator of being a casual, it’s a cut and dry numerical value that can be proven.

See, that’s just your own personal take.

There are very few people that would read “3k IO and AOTC on 7 classes” as “casual”, even with there being a lot of variance between our own ideas on what casual means lol

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Doing 23-24s I usually need to focus a bit tho. But again, anyone who plays a lot and focuses on specific elements of the gain will appear to be hardcore to others who DONT do those activities. Hence why it’s subjective.

Fine, one more post before I go.

Mythic raiding and +20 keys are objectively more difficult than leveling. It’s weird to suggest otherwise. If you think you need some kind of guide for leveling, but don’t need any guide for M+20 or Mythic raiding, I think it’s because you’re at a point where you already know all of that content, which speaks to how not-casual you are.

If you’re telling me you picked up mythic raiding and M+20 and can min-max that content without the help of any external guides or sites, you’re either lying, or you’re just conflating casual/hardcore+easy/hard with things you like/don’t like.

youre not casual. your achievement was cool until you tried to be cooler


I have yet to follow any route in weekly +20s and I tanked on 3 toons, I just yoloed it. As for heroic raiding, sure the VERY first time a guide helps, but same with power leveling toons. Routes, zones, etc.

Wow, you inspired me to do my own AMA

So we are in agreement that casual is subjective.

Because I consider myself casual since I don’t run multiple characters of the same class to try and optimize getting the best gear sooner and a majority of my time and game is spent hanging out and chatting when I could be making gold by selling carries. Could push higher if I played Aug but I don’t care that much and only reason I got as far as I did was because people wanted me to help them push but I still just play what I like because enjoyment > meta.

Congratulations on the 3ks though, I personally didn’t have nearly as much drive to do things on alts this season especially since the better transmog recolors for my alt classes were the LFR or normal sets to the point I haven’t even done the raids on normal or heroic on any of them.

I like seeing posts like this, because it shows just how/what exactly is needed to earn something like AoTC, as you explained.

It’s very doable, you just need to put the effort/time in first.

Most people just give up before they’ve even started, and seeing a post like this is inspiring.

I don’t do M+, but I might try it again next expansion.

I’m definitely coming back for the new PvP stuff, might as well try PvE again if it’s being changed with the idea of players learning that content instead of being thrown straight into the fire.

PvP needs a ‘learning bracket’ as well, tbh. I know normal/nonrated battlegrounds exist, but those can end up being quite stompy, which puts off newcomers. Comp Stomp is the closest thing that exists, Arathi versus bots.

Casual is not about the hours played but rather the focus of playing. If one only plays 15 hours per week but that play is very goal oriented and focused that is not casual. Fifteen hours of M+ is not casual.

Casuals are folks that meander about until they have a SQUIRREL! moment and decides that is what they are doing this session. They are fine missing out on most FOMO stuff and aren’t looking to become a raid leader or push their own keys. For example, I decided to give my Ele Shammy some time and noticed her item level was only 379 so I spent a couple of hours of quest hopping around the emerald snooze and got her up to 411. That’s good enough for me.

I have done no group activities, only one character has a profession as all the other just gather for the XP. Pen made a couple of bags and that was her tailoring career as that’s all I needed.

I did have my prot pally go back and trash Torghast for funsies, drops and achievements as I was never good enough to do any of that when it was current content.

I think what Kayko did is very impressive given their available time, but it sure isn’t casual as it is extremely directed, researched and focused.

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No. It is not. By industry standarts its how many resoruces such as time and money(which also means time) they invest.
The resources spent is what determines if you are casual or not.

You arent casual.

He would be casual.

This is called competency.
You can spend few time and be incompetent too.

If you spent 9% of your weekly time and almost no money in a hobby you arent hardcore as much as you want make it so.

People whom want to be called casual when they are spending 20% of their weekly hours playing videogames is comical at best.

At best you are severely irresponsible if you are not rich.

You are far better just doing rated even if you get stuck at said rating at least you know from where to start.
In randoms you have people that know how to play extremely well with people that have no diea what is going on.

If you sleep 8 hours a night, and work roughly 35-40 hours, like a normal adult, that’s roughly 75 hours of spare time in your week to do everything else with. If OP spends 15 of those hours playing WoW, that’s your 20% “comical at best” figure.

Consider OP said they played a lot more at the start of the season, when a majority of this progress was likely made. Is that 20 hours? 25 hours? 27-33%?

You still think OP is casual even by your own definition then?

Just because something comes easy to me doesn’t mean I am hardcore, it comes from playing this game for 19 years, 10 of which at the highest level. I was hardcore when I was younger, raiding 30 hours a week.

Again, like I said I am not impressed. I did two characters myself and quit playing M+ for the season.

I mean if you did it on 2 meta classes, u could have easily gotten carried. Sooo many 2k Augs getting into 25s lmao.

AotC should be an achievable goal for anyone with an interest in raiding and the capacity to learn. The dungeon journal made it rather easy to see what the mechanics you have to deal with are for each phase and usually fights are just repetition of the same mechanics until the boss dies.

Most of each fight is knowing your class/role and how to do the dance on each fight with other people who also know and later in the season it gets, easier it becomes due to gear and nerfs.

For me, I can see most bosses 2 or 3 times and I can instantly start min/maxing, raiding comes really easy for me.

So, what is the point of this thread again? You could have easily gotten carried as well…