counterpoint: those coke slushies from speedway are so good there’s no way they’re unhealthy

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I bought one of those water bottles that have the time and measurement marks, but I still don’t pay enough attention to it. I love infusing fruit or adding lemon juice to give it a little flavor.

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I was so proud of me when I started using one of those water bottles… and that trend lasted a whole three days before I fell off the bandwagon. LOL

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I drink Tea.

I have low iron right now AND I need to get more cardio in. Water is key to moving everything around!

Only if it comes from the purest streams of water cascading down the slopes from the peaks of the most majestic mountains of Azeroth.

(But seriously, drink water. And you can even get it free from the tap.)

Drink of gaming champions!

/moo :cow:

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Yea sugary drinks will do the body wonders…


I drink it everyday and all day. If I don’t drink water then it’s starbucks,.

Already on it, captain.

nooooo dont

You got it :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Fun fact: The water cycle means that the water you’re drinking was likely already ingested and passed by dinosaurs. Enjoy!

Oh please, no one says “Drink water” anymore, or “I’m thirsty.” These are so last century.

“Hydrate”, “I have to hydrate”, etc, is proper language, otherwise you sound like you don’t know any science.

(And don’t forget to wear your best serious workout face while hydrating, so peeps know you’re a pro, at something or other.)

- returns to chinup bar -

What’s fun is to drink nothing but water for … 6-8 weeks or so.

THEN have a soda.

You’ll practically gag from how DISGUSTINGLY SWEET it is. Like, you can’t even IMAGINE how they pack that much sugar in a soda. It feels like trying to drink a solid block of sugar. lol

I still have, like, one soda a month. It does taste good with certain foods. Even then, I tend to buy those little 8 oz “mini” cans. As much as I hate what a rip off they are.

But for the most part, it makes me sick just to think about it. I see people drinking a Big Gulp of soda and I’m like “bro… please don’t.” lol

The ONLY thing your body wants is water. Your BRAIN makes you want the sugar. But your body, in modern society… doesn’t want it and doesn’t need it. Our brains are quite evolved, but they’re evolved to survive famine. That’s not what we deal with in the day to day. lol

Well, it’s a good thing my body doesn’t make my decisions. My body can take a long walk off a short pier afaic. :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t, but I definitely do feel my brain going “yasssss” because of the sugar. It’s kind of funny feeling a weird sense of ‘relief’ and satisfaction when I drink a soda, after a long time of not doing so.

Still overall prefer water for day to day, though. Nothing actually refreshes me like water.

I miss the Hawaiian Punch of my younger days… it doesn’t taste the same anymore. Or did I just get old lol?


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