I got on my level 10

Low post toon am I doing it right now?

No, you’re not a DK.


and wearing looms

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and you’re not a draenei.


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Pandaren are superior.


The waggle is amazing.

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Here you go :crown:


Make sure you have properly chosen a forum member to impersonate too! A wild pharazon gif appears

You know the drill


I’m sure the other Buttercleave is here. I can smell him, lurking.

The journey begins…

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20k+ achievement points give you a little more legitimacy then the usual level 10s.

But just a little.

Make sure your transmog looks exactly like another forum members so that people accidently attribute your posts to them too :wink: .

Also, the fact that I never logged back into my only 60 dk and switched my mog back after making the last dreadmoon GIF (that’s been a while!) I made is pretty telling on how I really just don’t enjoy DKs…

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You were supposed to call yourself some version of Humanbeak, like Kissmybeak…

i got christmas money it might happen.

Oh yeah, OP needs to go into the options ingame and turn that off.

Or a hunter.

Yes. Now you should ask for warlock buffs.

That is completely uncreative. If you are going to impersonate you should do it right!

you’re not an umbrella.

Cool Bananas!

I gotta twin sister! :grin:

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