I was drinking and playing wow when I pulled back from my computer when I saw two big punctures on my knee. I was like Whhooaaa I think that’s a spider bite man. I came back in a minute and saw a big black widow crawling up the wall next to my computer. THAT’S the mfer who bit me!!! Of course I grabbed it and threw it out the front door. It was a full-grown black widow around these parts but it wasn’t anything next to the black widows from Visalia. Those mothers are huuuge. They won’t even have them in Australia. Still anyways that’s a monster encounter in the deep dark suburbs and I survived IRL.
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100% explains your title and your thread. We all imagine things we are sure are real when drinking alone. It will be ok. Log out and go to bed.
Its not Sunday btw
I actually did get bit by a black widow when I was doing yard work a couple years ago. My hand swelled up like a balloon then my arm started to get stiff. I had to keep exercising and messaging it for the next three days. I hope I never have to experience that again.
I expected your “black widow” to be some leather strapped female sadist you paid to emasculate you emotionally and physically.
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Some ppl claim that black widows aren’t lethal to humans, so Idk. I imagine the bite would still hurt a lot.
Anything fell off yet?