Yesterday was like any other day. The reset came. I went to the vault. Raided heroic Narub. Than went to tanaris to kill the world bosses and pick up the new investigation quest… Out of nowhere I was booted and it said my account was banned and closed. Like many people I’ve read on here I’ve had my account for 17 years+ I have never had any infractions or run ins with getting in trouble… so no prior warnings or silences or bans, nothing like that… I made many tickets and was referred to the agreements we signed… it says in the email it’s for Cheating and Hacking… Never have I cheated or hacked… up until recent I didn’t even use addons… I downloaded DBM and nameplates about 2 weeks ago… I’ve asked many people what it could be… and they said it’s possible that either it’s a bug and somehow my account triggered something? Or someone has maliciously mass reported me… I haven’t had very few interactions that were negative… besides some people getting really upset for getting booted from raids… I have been on the game quite a significant amount of time… so someone said it could possibly be they think I’m a bot… because so many hours on the game… I have no idea… recently my mom passed from cancer at a young age so I have been on the game quite a bit… my friends on there give me the community I need right now…. So I am very confused and upset about this…. I can’t get a straight forward answer why this is happening…… I put my passwords in the ticket so they could look at my account and see I have no shady or weird things going on… I have never bought gold or services… I play the game just how it is… recently this month things have been buggy… when the trading post came out in November with new items… all my currency had disappeared… I made a ticket and literally 20 minutes before the ban the ticket came back and a GM said it had been resolved and my currency would show up… I was excited about this… than 20 minutes later my account gets shut down… please someone help me… I have put a lot of my life and youth into this account… money for subs and mounts. Just like my new Gilded Long Boy and the mount package deal… if there is a GM on who can look into my account I would greatly appreciate it… like I said once before I have never had any problems infractions before so this is not something that has been piling up as I have seen in other forums…. Completely random… thank you… wish me luck… I’m going through a tough time
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