I got a mount

I know its not crazy rare or anything but I’ve been hunting it on and off for years.
So I just wanted to celebrate :smiley:



Grats. I still remember finding that mount years ago and landing it on flight form and not being able to swap forms on it.

Many years passed before I actually obtained because of how sour that experience made me to this particular mount.


Congrats!! I finally scored it and the TLPD a few years ago while leveling in Chromie time. It feels so good to finally get that mount that’s eluded you.


Gratz on the mount!


I think trying to get that one would kill me haha

Congrats! I know the feeling! It’s a good feeling, and we should celebrate!! :partying_face:


Hey, that one is actually still pretty rare lol.

I’d do my circuits in Deepholm, still haven’t found that guy yet.

I got TLPD a while back, this guy is basically Cataclysm’s own TLPD.

Grats! Imo, that is my favorite of the stone drakes.


Guy on my server sells two of these a day, did you…buy it? :open_mouth: I also camped this a while and never found it hehe. Grats!

Gratz! Its one of my favorite mounts! And i didnt even know i had it until i was going through my mounts list in late BFA lol

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Congrats. :tada: :tada: :tada:

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No lol i didn’t buy it.
I would never trust someone trying to sell a rare spawn kill. That just doesnt make sense to me :stuck_out_tongue:


Best part was 2 minutes after I said that, he listed his sale of it and Timeless drake again haha.

Dude must be multiboxing who know’s how many toons to be able to sell spawns like that every single day multiple times. He’s probably rich, we can laugh all we want.

Grats to you!

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gonna go old school for this… Congo-rats!


Congrats :tada:

It’s a mount I know I’ll neverhave.

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Celebrate away! I’m glad you shared so we could too! That’s great - and cool!

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I only see that one as I’m flying over, and it’s phased.

I got that mount and TLP same day. Was insane luck.

Congrats! I only got that one maybe 8-9 months ago myself! Nice!

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