I got a free transfer off Benediction

Now theres no one around to do anything.

what do I do next?

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Stop making pointless threads would be a good start


Why transfer off the largest PVE server? Did you go to Grob? If not waste of a xfer.

If you’re alliance why would you leave? Bene is a massive alliance hub

If you’re horde, I’d suggest going to Faerlina or Grobbulus

Fae if you want no alliance

Grobb if you want a balanced 50/50 server

If you went to a dead server you should try to get things that are otherwise impossible to get on a mega populated server

But who knows maybe you messed up

Just to point out, because some people genuinely don’t seem to understand this, Benediction is a PVP server.

If you’d like to proliferate this sort of “PVP server that is heavily one-faction biased is a PVE server” type (absolutely ridiculous) meme, then please spend some time playing the lesser populated faction on any of the servers you are inaccurately labeling as PVE.


Now you pay blizzard 25$ to transfer back to a populated server, realizing your mistake.

You twist the point.
For 99% of the server, Bene is PvE. 100 vs the unlucky 1 is not pvp.

No. I’m calling for accuracy. A PvP server has a technical set of functionality. It is not some subjective opinion.

This is just untrue. Benediction is a PvP server.

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No, Bene is for all the cowards who abandoned the real PvP servers we USED to have.
It deserves to be PvE to at least save the unfortunate horde who have to deal with it.
I have played the underdog faction as it dwindles to 1% of the realm. Have you? It should never be allowed to happen.

now you reroll on Benediction.

only cowards are all the hoard that left it to us

Yes. I certainly have! Some who have been playing since WoW Classic 2019 may recall my initiatives to bring <Balance> to some realms, and fight as the underdog faction during early days of faction imbalance on Stalagg, and later Skeram, and those that were to follow.

Sure. That’s fine.

However, what isn’t fine is to use technical terms that describe technical functionality to inaccurately portray reality. Benediction is a PVP server, which means if you decide to roll there as a new Horde Guild for example, you will not be able to toggle PVP off in contested or Alliance areas.

Regardless of your own personal opinions and preferences, it is not truthful to spread misinformation.

You could equally say that Mankrik or Pagle are PVP servers for those who toggle PVP on. Of course, just as calling a PVP server a Normal server, this would signal a lack of understanding as to what PVP servers and Normal server are, fundamentally. Which does seem to be an issue for a large number of the playerbase.


Bene in Vanilla: 2500 each faction. Balanced.
Bene after 6 months of TBC: 3,500 horde against 20,000 alliance and climbing.
All the realm discords coordinated, Bene was the new alliance destination.
Six months they tried. At that point it was clearly lost, and Faerlina became horde.
Faerlina alliance also had 5500 who abandoned for Bene.
Bene shoots up to 35,000 alliance.

Are you here to have a human interaction or to post like Blooms?

ty for proving my point. horde lost the war move on

Don’t leave Whitemane out… it was the largest WoW Classic server and maintained very nice faction balance prior to TBC…

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I personally missed all of it, have to look at IFpro for my data.

Skeram until alliance died. Sulfuras until alliance died.
Then I quit playing horde and rerolled the side apparently struggling. I think same faction BG queues also came out and I was against HvH?
Earthfury, alliance died again. But we did go down fighting. Talk about a handful of people vs 3 raid groups. Spent awhile lone griefing people on their dailies. Their punishment. But got bored without any raid guilds to join, so it was time to go.
Now Grobb forever. <3
Wish I had been here all along.

And? Alliance lost Faerlina and Whitemane.
All of these realms just raising question if people actually wanted PvP servers.

its very obvious we dont

It’s pretty phenomenal that Grobb has maintained the faction balance that it has over the years!

This is actually one of the reasons I point out that PVP server vs Normal Server is a functional difference of being able to toggle PVP on/off vs not, and that is it. People have literally, legitimately asked for a toggle on PVP servers (that is the only difference).

People who would like to engage in WPVP but be able to opt out when they want to focus on questing or gathering professions can play on Normal servers and do so. It seems plausible that people don’t understand the actual difference between Normal and PVP servers.


Why give horde a free pass when they went to other servers and did the exact same?

What do you think happened to the alliance on Whitemane in TBC?