I got 3.3 cr as a tank

Yes and? Why should that matter?

I might main the comp, but I can still give an objective unbiased take on it. Actually, it means more coming from someone that actually plays the comp.

It’s fine Gwenchan used his special ability “arms warriors complaining” which gives him mop second wind in BfA which only gives him a slight disadvantage to Deception. Looks like he will also have Shattering Throw but since arms has no selfheal really it still looks in Deception’s favor


Hey I actually main cupid and in cruel season it actually wasn’t good at all and very hard to play, I think we need to go back to Cruel ssn cupid and buff it even more so it’s actually competitive.


No, no you can’t. It’s painfully obvious.


youve posted some fried stuff here but now im in the early stages of diabetes after reading these takes


yikes 10char

The last thing we need is even more buffs to hunter / ret. They’re already going to be really OP in Slands.

Nah I main the comp. As someone who mains the comp and you don’t, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Ret needs at least a 20% damage buff.


How? Because I said the comp is difficult to play? That alone gives you enough evidence to assert that I can’t be objective and unbiased?

People just like to hate on RMX because when it is played optimally, it’s near unbeatable. The problem is that both the skill floor and skill ceiling are astronomically high.

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Rets do not need even more damage. They could afford to take a 50% damage nerf on beta, and they’d still be S tier.

Nah sounds like you have no idea what you’re talking about. As one who mains it, I can only give correct feedback.

Ret is in drastic need of also more healing. They should just make our wog healing combine with templars verdict, then ret might be okay.


I’d be happy to consider your feedback on the matter, and I’d be willing to appeal to your experience at times, but this is a forum for discussion, not unchallenged declarations.

I disagree that ret needs more healing to be ok. But I would be in favor of Ret shifting from defensive CDs to more healing. I think that would be interesting gameplay. For instance, if they removed devotion aura and shield of vengence, and instead buffed flash of light and WoG.

I maintain that templars verdict and WoG should remain seperate though, it’s dynamic so that people have to choose whether or not they want to heal or do damge.

Reading this, I feel like I’m playing Pokémon in my middle school circa 1997 again. Thank you.

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Nah bro once again, you’re just a hater because you prob get farmed by a Ret, which I mean I can’t blame you, the skill floor for ret is like 3x that of rogue mage, and ofc cupid (cruel ssn ofc) has the highest skill cap this game has ever seen. You would understand if you played it but any sort of discussion you bring to it bro is just flat wrong, ret is just always carried by disc being op. Ret and hunter are completely fine bro. Just L2P


Woh there.

I played dancing with the stars with a sub rogue in dread season to 1850 the first month.

Using dozer math, that’s like 1,000,000 rating in this season due to inflation.

Do you know how hard it is to press root beam off a stun?

That’s pretty good, but getting like 2200 in cruel season cupid as cupid, using Professor Dozer’s math algorithm, is like completely out of this world with skill cap, nobody in wow history could even come close to that level of ability.


I disagree, what makes ret / hunter so strong is their coveted “HoJ / trap” combo. It’s too easy to land, as it doesn’t even require cast times or combo points, which both the mage and rogue MUST rely on for CC.

Nah dude it’s actually so hard to hoj trap you don’t understand, once again as you don’t main the comp, if you let that combo go off you must be fried the skill cap to doing that is so high I don’t think anyone has truly mastered it yet.


corruptions, azerite neck and busted trinket season :slight_smile:

gz though. wish i could have played my brewmaster to 3.3k

Grats but you are a multi glad probably playing with glads. The prot anything is busted too lol love it!