I get maintaining the classic feel, but give Prot Paladins a Taunt

It’s not that simple, really.

No changes, though.

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Paladin’s don’t have a taunt in classic. Why would they get one now?

in dungeons

prot paladin > warrior

It’s “revelant” because it gives the first half of your thread title the lie.

Perhaps this suggestion can be added to their future “Classic 2.0” if they ever decide to re-balance classes and make needed changes while still keeping the classic experience as best as possible.

Remember they already went through 1 rodeo that has lead to the current sad Retail state we have today, and we certainly do not want them to repeat those same mistakes.

Hi, Druid tank here.

Do you want retail where there is no effective difference between tanking classes?

Because this is how you get it.

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Lack of a taunt isn’t the problem, it’s lack of a proper spender like Sunder, and reliance on mana making long fights an issue.

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No…Most raid bosses are taunt immune anyway. It’s the lack of sustain and aggro generation that keeps them from being able to raid tank.

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Are you really going to ask that question? :rofl::rofl::rofl: :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

Is anybody reading the other thread linked above, where somebody demonstrated paladins putting out stupid threat by spamming a raid buff?

Won’t allow them to tank bosses that require taunt swaps, but are there literally any bosses like that in the game right now?

Yeh it’s stupid expensive to do that. Not viable… not to mention 1k threat/s isn’t gonna cut it later.

That’s because they didn’t tune Vengeance very well out the gate, making it very anemic when taking low amounts of incoming damage. Every Tank suffered from this issue, but Warriors especially so because the class had always been about static modifiers rather than raw damage. Death Knights and Druids were just peachy because that’s all we ever were, glorified damage-to-threat monsters.

Warriors were by no means broken though and before Firelands even hit, 5mans were far more manageable. Folks were reeling on multiple fronts coming from Wrath and you’re correct on “riding high” as most folks thought they were going to mostly steamroll the dungeons and got destroyed instead. Coupled with janky leveling zones spread far and wide, so much of the expansion development placed into pre-60 content, and the 14-month downtime of ICC farming and loads of folks had a sour taste before Cata got rolling.

Thats more a testament to how bad dps was back then, not how good you were. Now tanks can put out better dps since we have guides on whats the best items for what. Tanks with good dps and smart taunts, when bosses arent immune, allows dps to actually play now. And you say you naver used taunt? You never did naxx then. Taunt was the most important ability for 4 horseman. So much so that a missed taunt would cause a wipe so you had to have 8 t2 geared tanks for the bonus of taunt never missing.

To OP, paladins dont have a taunt because shaman dont have a taunt.

can i have my Cloak of Shadows too?

this sounds like a bad joke

My opinion is that Classic is a game that if you’re not playing who you want, how you want then you’ll burn-out.

Who would want to be in a guild that doesn’t know that?

Are you suggesting we rule paladins out as viable tanks because of this specific circumstance? Why wouldn’t we just bring different tanks for that fight?

I never mentioned anything like that. I was talking to the guy that said hes never had to use taunt and he tanked in vanilla, even though there was a fight built around taunting. Also that he said taunt is a crutch that allows dps to not stop dps and that makes them bad. When in fact higher tank dps=more tps and smart taunting when available allows dps to be good.

Te only mention i made about paladin was they dont have a taunt because shaman dont have a taunt.

OK, so later is not now, and the money is the paladin’s own problem and not crazily much for raid consumables.

I think Blizz should kill that, along with Battle Shout spam, but until they do it seems like this whole discussion is obsolete.