I gained 0 rating in Blitz for winning being the lowest on my team

Counter argument, you are a lot better at arenas than you are at BG’s because despite both being PvP, they are different skillsets.

In addition, and this goes for everyone, the more games of Blitz you play, the less your losses, or wins, are rng. This is because the only constant factor in the ever-increasing sample size of all the games you’ve played…is you.

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Except throughout my time playing WoW I’ve done way more BG’s than arena. I do think it’s way more possible to carry yourself in a team of 3 vs a team of 8 but something truly does feel off about blitz.

So yeah I think you’re right but for different reasons.

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Sometimes the reason you lose a game is because a prot warrior breaks your trap-cap by charging it. :wink:

If that was me, mistakes happen. I own them, but don’t pretend all of your ways are perfect and all of your works are good.

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Did I say they were?
When a team loses Twin Peaks because both healers are 1500 CR on a winstreak to 2100 MMR, the dragon doesn’t know how to FC, and the priest runs behind instead of ahead of the FC, is that the fault of the players whose CR is equal to their MMR in the match, or is it more likely caused by the large MMR swings that result in 1500 CR healers being in 2100 MMR games? Those healers aren’t going to lose rating from that outcome. Those whose CR and MMR are equalized will. Is this an example of returning the proper players to their proper rating?

You were being intellectually dishonest towards the other poster, so I’m just returning it a bit; you absolutely did charge through a trap-cap at quarry yesterday, in the third second of my cap.

The Dunning-Kruger effect is also noted for its efficacy as an explanation of the intellectual behaviors of those who most often quote it, by the way. It doesn’t only apply to negative analysis of others coupled with positive analysis of yourself, but can also be observed in the way people uphold systems with glaring flaws on the basis of faith in authority figures (which, you might recall, are one of the groups particularly prone to the afforementioned effect’s bias)

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They should just remove rating as a player facing metric and maintain MMR so that the game’s fun and challenging to play.

How could anyone raise an issue with that?


At least shuffle MMR makes sense, right? Blitz MMR does not, lol.


I might not advertise if I’d won the lottery… But there would be signs : /


How the hell do you end up as a 2000+ as a PROT WAR with very little arena experience on your toon?
And you’re top 5 prots in the world. And I’m not even moving at 1500


There aren’t many tanks in queue, and they have to queue into other tanks. The game will often pull higher CR/MMR players into their lobbies, which means fast MMR gain for the tank on their wins.
See a lot of 2.2-2.4 CR players on 1700 team MMR games when tanks are in the lobby.

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You can be at 1500 in a dozen games or so if you get win from the first game.

I am struggling on Rogue and have more games on him than on my FrostyK but she got her tier token in a relative handful of games. Partly luck, partly one is a class I barely play and one is a class I’ve played since LK Beta.

You can also see weird stuff when a 2400 rated healer groups with a 0 CR/MMR fresh DPS. It seems to average the two to put them on a much lower rated team.

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Also, the MMR knows who you are across your account, so if you have a toon that is high rated, other new toons will start at a higher MMR, even before playing any games.

That’s why sometimes you see folks with 0 CR inside a game with higher rated players. They have high level alts and the MMR is high, despite the CR.

Which is gonna suck when My Shammy is done soon because I barely know that class lol

You can’t even conceive that you are the problem, can you? My success must surely be a fluke. That has to be the only explaination for you.

I played the arena meta during Wrath to about 2300 and hated it. I started playing tanks full time a few years after, but fairly casually. As you might think, they aren’t typically super effective in the arena format, so I would grind 1800 on occasion for the set and call it good.

Blitz, however, is a different beast in regards to tanks. They may not cater towards us specifically, but we are not hangstrung there as we are in arena, which is purely a deathmatch. Furthermore I have always been a PvP enthusiast from before the first BG were implemented. Blitz has just allowed for the best expression of that for me.


I hate arena, it’s so one dimensional.


SS/TM in the OG days was a good time.

WSG at first when a game could never end. lol

To my taste, PvP is the best it has ever been right now.

Yes actually although I didn’t mention myself. Although the post by Custodian above explained it. Maybe I should come back and see where you really rank once they fix this nonsense.

There it is again. Tell ya what, why don’t you break free of your shackles, roll a Prot Warrior, and soar to meteoric heights?

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Because if I just wanted rating I’d play solo shuffle again since I could easily push 2k on it.
Instead of flipping coins or whatever matchmaking shenanigans exists for tank.

You literally said you haven’t played rated pvp seriously since Wrath and you actually think you are appropriately rated top 4 in your spec in the world lol

Cool bro, enjoy 1500.

You too, once they fix it. Although I expect sub 1000 if I’m being honest. Since your 2v2 score is exactly that.
I’ll take that as concession accepted.