I forgot how boring Ret Paladin was in Classic WoW

Which was a bs assertion. beta-Vanilla Ret paladin plays much differently than a warrior simply because of rage vs mana mechanics.

The real reason is because at the time Tigole and Furor were holy trinity purists that hated hybrid classes.


retflix 10char


One person’s boredom is another person’s relaxation.

I like being able to look away every few seconds to make sure my kids aren’t getting into trouble. :slight_smile:


You can already do that in modern wow. Lol

kevin jordan, (the guy who made the class) has said that the abilities they pruned were just in there as placeholders. you need to give the class some buttons to press while people test it, so they just gave every class a generic strike ability. the idea was to tie everything into the judgement system with blessings from basically the very start. just originally they were called seals, and once the system was finished they removed the placeholder strike abilities.



Who remembers this gem?


Hybrid classes simply aren’t for players who are only interested in doing a dps rotation. Funnily enough, most of the enjoyment of playing a hybrid class is being a hybrid instead of being pigeonholed into the same thing.

That’s why “hybrid tax” existed in early expansions, because the other things they brought to the table would have made them far too strong if they also brought comparable dps specs.

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What’s worse, as a ret, you will be completely shut down by any shaman or priest who knows how to spam dispel on you, no matter what gear they have.

The only thing is that ret pallies are basically tanks in PVP.

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I really like Ret in Classic for the reasons people seem to not like it. I think an auto-attack modifying class has its place, its relaxing to play as for me and I looooove the procs and the reactionary seal/aura gameplay.

I MUCH prefer it to the spammy combo spender rogue-like mess that Ret is in BfA


rank 1 Seal of Command with 5/5 Benediction and Libram of Hope costs 38 mana

come at me with your purges/dispels that cost you a whole lot more mana

we can also use a swing timer addon to recast rank 1 SoC right before we swing :stuck_out_tongue:


I am genuinely curious to know why anyone would, in WoW classic where the weaknesses and strengths of each class are by now well known, go ahead and roll a character with a weakness that they are unhappy with. Why? What were you thinking would happen?


I watched tv when I played ret pally way back. Mostly auto attacks seal judge maybe heal yourself and keep rolling about.

Ret paladin is better than proct or holy paladin by far

Ret burst is very strong

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It was utterly ridiculous that nobody played a Paladin at Blizzard, most were Horde anyways. They basically made the Paladin and never fully tested it out.

I remember when Camdien or whatever, when she was using an alt to spread “Paladin facts”. The whole thing was insanity.


What has that got to do with anything? This thread is about whether Ret is boring or not.


It’s not doing very well compared to AP.

I’m playing hybrid ret, and have another paladin in my raid. He’s full AP, I’m hybrid. I’ll dominate him on cleave fights, my consecrate does about twice as much damage as his, but on single target fights, I usually can’t beat him, and I’m using 2x the consumes that he is and generally have better gear. Logs are also supporting this at the top level. Judgement’s SP build is getting beat by Esfand’s AP build.

Spelladin is a meme. Multiple parts of the build that pushed it to be as good as everyone thought it was going to be, and what made it strong on private servers, didn’t carry over into classic. Weapon oils aren’t getting good scaling and Dragonbreath has an absurdly low proc rate.

If you stack SP you’re borderline useless unless you pop a MCP and consumes. The single target DPS of a spelladin using their secondary weapon is severely lower than the single target DPS of AP ret. Farming, PvP, etc all get a LOT harder with a spelladin build. QoL if you don’t have consumes rolling is hot garbage for the SP build.

All of this said, Hybrid and AP ret can sealtwist for a very high APM playstyle, assuming you have the runes and pots to sustain it. Ret doesn’t need to be boring. You can GCD lock yourself for a fairly large DPS increase if you have the mana to sustain the rotation. If you swing with Crusader, and swap to Righteousness or Command mid swing, you get the Righteousness damage, the chance to proc Command, and your next auto comes out 40% faster.

What’s this? Someone let the cat out of the bag? Going to have to revoke your Light privileges.

I seal,judge,seal,tab out and read news while counting down in my head,tab back,judge,mob is usually dead.

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Because that means the answer is “Yes, it is boring”.

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nothing stops you adding consecration to prot or ret… well nothing except the insufferable mana issues it has (though I am told it slightly gets better with high end items)

@op I was mis-sold paladin, fond memories of it in TBC and the guide I read said “can fulfill all roles” yeah you can put a healing set on a heal, but putting a 2h on is terrible DPS! wish I had just rolled a druid, they can in tank spec pres cat and be 2x the dps of an offspec paladin trying to wield a 2h weapon!

but I got too far so going to keep going :S

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