I finally got the lucid nightmare

I used to have a video on my Twitch channel where I spendt 8 hours stuck in the maze due to it bugging out on me. That was one mount I was so happy to get cause I knew the pain was over…

There was something that I loved about that whole secret questline. Seriously, I loved that the maze was random each time you tried it and that there was a challenge that you had to figure out, even if you knew how it all worked!

To this day, it’s still one of my favourite mounts.

Personally I really liked the waist of time secret given how convoluted it was to get. Everything just felt so random with it honestly that it was a lot of fun to work through. I definitely enjoyed the hive mind too, I actually was enough of a nerf to get all four monocles too, just so I could help others get it. That mount was my favorite secret mount personally given how creative a lot of the puzzles were.

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I still haven’t done it, because (as many have said), I would love to break out a pen, paper, and make a map to solve a puzzle!!! Bring it on!

Except… there seems to be a random element to this that makes mapping it almost useless. So… whatever fun element might have been there, is gone.

It’s just an exercise in frustration. WHY???

So, I haven’t bothered. I used to cling to the hope of just using the addon, but this thread says it’s broken? How could it have broken? Nothing about the maze changed, did it?

ughhh… such a bad design…

I liked the difficulty on it. Even knowing all the answers, I restarted the maze three times before succeeding. I got the plugin to work, but it really just provided an easier map engine, it didn’t find the teleporter.

Personally, fairly pleased with the difficulty on this. Even if you read the hints (like any good WoW player does - straight to cliffnotes), the maze was difficult.

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Good job! Still one of my fave mounts. The sounds and special twirly animation are both fantastic too.

My method to solve it was to simply pick a rune as your point of reference and map from there. You have to constantly double back to make sure you don’t find the teleport room. Yet anytime I would fine a new orb or rune I would just keep going until I either found a new orb or rune, or it’s match. Then I reset back to my starting rune and make a new map going in a direction I hadn’t yet. It definitely sucked though not having defined border’s to the maze, apparently it’s an 8x8 grid, but the edges will teleport you to the opposite side of the maze. So I just pretty much gave up on properly mapping it and instead just make sure I wasn’t being teleported randomly so I could go back the way I came.


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Congrats. Now the mount will go back in your mount list until you remember Hey I got Lucid Nightmare. lol

Nah I plan to use it as my primary dragonriding mount in TWW, unless I get invincible, then that one will be my only mount

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Grats. I haven’t even taken a crack at it yet.

Congrats :slight_smile:

That maze is the reason that is my default mount for the past several years. If I am going to suffer that much, I am getting as much use as I can out of that thing. Plus, it goes with my outfit, so bonus.

Congrats! That is such an awesome feeling when you solve that one. If I remember correctly, even with the addon it was still difficult. Good job!

This is what tripped me up when I did it:

Yeah it was just a bad maze through and through, while its doable, it mostly is RNG due to the terrible rules and mechanics that it has.