I FINALLY figured out who the new Anduin model looks like!

Bryan Danielson’s early career before he grew out the beard to ridiculous proportions. It’s been bugging me for far too long!

Could also be close to an Arrow era Stephen Amell.

He just has that “look” like “I’ve seen this guy before somewhere” look

Who do you think he looks like?

I guess I can kinda see it.

This is still all I can see though.

Anduin for reference:


You know you put it like that, its definitely more Stephen Amell


I do miss his Brad Pitt phase to be honest.

Tyler Durden from Movie: Fight Club

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It helps that Amell looks sad in that picture, and also that those of us that watched Arrow are well acquainted with him looking miserable at most times.


I don’t think he smiled the entire run.


Maybe in a flashback scene to better illustrate how awful his life is now.

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Nah I dont think he looks like Danielson. I agree with that guy from Arrow or Karl Urban.

He looked liek sack efron on that survival movie where he is alone in the desert

He looks like every other milquetoast white guy with a stab at a beard trying to get his firearms channel on YouTube going.


hey…hey… HEY!

I resemble that remark! (though without the firearms or YT channel)

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my first thought was that he looked a bit like Paul Walker with a thicker beard. Something about the eyes.

maybe I don’t see the Amell resemblance because I’ve always hated Stephen Amell? (no particular reason, it’s just every once in a while there’s an actor who rubs you the wrong way. Amell is one of those.)

This is the first person I thought of when I saw Anduin in the cinematic.

Looks like hes been hanging out for the last 5 years between Quel’Thalas smoking “bloodthistle” and drinking at Brewfest in Orgrimmar with the goblins & burned his hair off in a drinking game “Oooh he’s on fire!” :man_facepalming:t5::man_shrugging:t6::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I personally see Mike krahulik from Penny Arcade when I look at Anduin.

Bryan Danielson would DESTROY Anduin and send him back to the MAW

When I first caught that cinematic my first thought was Charlie Hunnam. I can’t post pictures so someone’ll just have to Google if they want.

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Homeless bearded Dean Winchester ( Jensen Ackles ) to me.

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psst wrestling is fake