I finally did it! I Quit!

“Guns out” could mean you have a 1000 point Astra Militarum or Ork army to play lol.

I kind of dont want to spend money thats why i think imma just have to suck it up and go cold turkey. In late august im going on a trip and cant smoke so that will be a good time to start. I would be 1 week in without smoking by the time i get back.

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As you did OP. I quit drinking soda. Also quit eating fast food just about every day.
Started hiking and walking. I was 288 but down to 253 now. Built like a NFL linebacker
now at 6’4 and 253.

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Adulting… at least after the hours of 6am to 7pm

I would HIGHLY recommend buying at least the mid-dose patches, if only the generic ones…trust me attempting to go cold turkey will quickly turn that trip into a nightmare for you and others around you. The sudden withdrawals will be immense and, uh, NOT fun.

Even if you don’t decide to use them…buy them and bring them just in case.

i feel this calls for a celebration soda :crazy_face:

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I did quit soda probably a couple years ago, and kept away from it for about a year or more. But now just only drink it on occasion for something different.

i’m addicted to energy drinks trying to quit not there yet but i did quit alcohol and drugs long time ago and became so much healthier now it’s the energy drink time.

I quit watching the Billy the Kid series on Epix on the last episode and switched to the series From… does that count?

i quit smoking a bit over 20 years ago, also quit chew shortly after i did the ciggs. even now, every once in a while ill have a dream about having a fat dip in my lip and ill kind of crave it for a day.

about a year and a half ago, i quit drinking. id like to say i was trying to improve myself, but really it was just that being over 40, the hangovers were absolutely brutal, and even when i wanted to drink, the thought of how i was going to feel for the next 48+ hours, kept me from drinking…

pop, i dont drink too often. if i see something i like onsale ill get it, Fresca is one of my faves, but so expensive now. i love coffee, but i been drinking a couple redbulls in the morning as its just easier, but mostly i drink water most of the day. like ill go thru about 8 liter bottles, per day, that i fill from the sink and put in my drinks fridge.

im just sad i cant use my joke when people would say “you should quit blah blah blah…” maybe, but my daddy raised me not to be a quitter.

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I finally quit Procrastination of getting KSM. I kept on delaying it. I wanted more gear before I do higher difficulty.

But Valor is uncapped… All my gear were upgraded to ilevel 272 and up thru Valor. Some people already did their KSM when they were ilevel 252s. And I am already ilevel 275.

GD Forums elitists regarded me as noob. They said I was carried. But I didnt got carried. Most of my runs, I top the damage meters while getting the least failure damage from elitismhelper. I was just not aggressive enough to face higher difficulty keys. I was just unfortunate on getting invited before as KSM people wont invite people that are not KSM. But XRealm made me have more available groups to join.

GD Forums elitists highlighting that my M+ logs are bad. They are not. Oh they measured my DPS during Bursting Weeks where I toned down my AoE nukes becoz I dont want mobs to die at the same time. Instead I threw some Single target DPS rotation sometimes so trash mobs would die one at a time eliminating too much DoT damage on the party allowing the PuG Healer to cope up with his healing.

Also, they measured my DPS during Explosives week. I cant complete my AoE DPS rotation becoz from time to time I have to kill the orbs.

Oh they also measured my DPS during Necrotic Weeks where I threw some binding shots to root the mobs allowing the Tank to escape. I also threw some Bursting Shots knock back to prevent Necrotic mobs of catching up our tank. Is it bad if I interrupted my AoE Nuke rotation with shots that allowed my Tank not to die on Necrotics?

Ah ok… you want me to have high DPS on logs… on these PuG runs I do. I do 100% PuGs. You want me prioritize my DPS nukes over my life saving shots. You want me to tunnel vision with my AoE nuke rotation and forget the mechanics… on PuGs. Well, I will say NO. Keep criticizing my DPS. My DPS is still high despite of doing the mechanics. I would prove to you I would get my KSM on my own way.

SO I quit procrastinating on getting my KSM. I finally made 2500 M Rating a day ago. I am not a noob. There’s my KSM. For your added delight, I did a +17 to carry another PuG group. I finally did it!

Items that use fructose as a cheap sweetener are bad for me. As fructose breaks down it produces purines and when purines are metabolized it raises uric acid levels in the blood. Uric acid can form crystals that gather at the joints. It causes an inflammatory response at the joint which causes it to swell and become super painful. The big toe is a common area to get hit.

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That sounds so painful!


I quit nicotine, for good I think, late last year. I only smoked less than 5 years, and maybe vaped almost as long again, but was deeply addicted and had to quit at least half a dozen times before it actually took.

The fact I no longer have expendable income for it has actually helped me. That and my life is no longer so boring that I’ll choose to buy a pack of cigarettes in the morning just so I have something to do throughout the day.

My lungs got messed up from smoking while I had the flu like 5 years ago. Bad, like, I don’t even want to know what the actual damage is. I can’t smoke anything without coughing and choking now. Worst case I cough so hard I begin spazzing out and losing sensation on my left side, if I’m holding anything (like a cigarette) in my left hand when that happens odds are I will drop it. Not even a single drag works anymore.

Figured best quit before it turns into true COPD or something. Also that half-spazzing thing has me worried I might have a neurological issue. Had to give up smoking other things too, which is more collateral damage than anything but at least I still have edibles.


I’ve quit my diet Pepsi addiction for a few years now.

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I get the exact same thing.
Although, at least back in the UK where I’m from, it is referred to as Gout.

I was actually supposed to get a blood test last year for it but I moved to Texas and well, I’m not touching a hospital until I get my health insurance (which starts next week, yay!)

I’ve only had 1 instance of it while being in America though, back in England I would get a flare-up every few months. I guess something changed in my diet.

It’s incredibly painful
Just something as gentle as a blanket resting on your foot can cause severe pain during a flare-up.
As backwards as it sounds, the only comfort I get during the flare-up’s is to put on my boots and tie it really tight, I guess like a suppression bandage.

Anyways, in my quest for a cure I also gave up regular Soda.
I still drink diet soda from time to time, I need to give that up too, but one step at a time.


This is no cure only management. They will do a blood test to check your uric acid levels and if it’s high they will prescribe Allopurinol. I take a daily pill. The pill helps a ton and I haven’t had a flare up since I started taking it. You will have to watch your diet. I don’t drink any alcohol anymore and I’m careful on the amounts of fructose syrup I intake. Check the ingredients on the item you are eating. Companies love using fructose as a cheap sweetener in their products.


Grats! My sub’s done in August.

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I quit wow 2 weeks back. Sun shines brightly these days.

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