I figured it out: The forum consist of trolls

I feel like my reaction may have been along the lines of “Oh, so you enjoy insulting people to their faces, hm?” As many people do not even realize I’m trans, even though my own perception of my voice is one of abject horror at all times.


It was really wild because he started with “I’m not against trans, but–”

I said “Okay like… that’s just like saying ‘I’m not racist, but–’ in that NOTHING good follows the but.’”

He goes “If you’re trans, fine, but I’m not going to call you by some special pronoun or whatever, People who want to be called ‘ze’ are just picking a fight. Like… hello my gender is attack helicopter.”

I pretty much left my body then and there. My coworker, who has known him for years, was mortified and when she saw I’d become a column of ice, she scrambled to try to salvage the discussion, which was amusing to me on some level. Then the guy added, after she walked off somewhere, “What I really mean is, I just don’t agree for people doing stuff like that for attention…”

I got up and left. He apologized later but I ignored it because it was pretty hollow and insincere.


Oh. Oh wow. I would just say “Okay Ma’am.” if I could restrain myself from an overzealous rant which would be potentially inflammatory enough to lose a job.


Not to horseshoe-progressive or anything, but online and the rarer instance of face to face I haven’t met many trans people that prefer their pronouns to be anything outside of he/she/they. So I wonder if your supervisor has met many trans people too because I think they’re getting cross/“joking” about exceedingly rare or even unused pronouns.


Same. It’s part of why what he said was so bizarre.

I have known precisely one person who preferred ze as a pronoun. ONE. First and last time I heard of it so when the supervisor mentioned it, I at least recognized it.

And he was absolutely irritated at the idea that a trans person could or should be called what they want to be called. It was breathtaking.


i’m going to ask it again in this thread too

why is it always the worgen players who pull this crap


A generous read on that situation would have the supervisor being “okay” with people who are trans but not with people who are non-binary. So, you know, congrats on only being half as bigoted I guess. (There’s no need to be this generous, he just hasn’t thought it through.)

The dumbest thing to me about the attack helicopter “joke” is that it’s the most ridiculous thing they (as in that first person, followed by a billion people who managed to be even more creatively bankrupt) could come up with and the amount of effort required to use whatever pronouns are supposedly attached to being an attack helicopter (I’d go with whrr/whrrs) is still not that high.

If he weren’t your supervisor, I might suggest calling him Bill or Bob, and when he protests, say “I’m sorry, I just don’t agree with using a bunch of different names for attention. There are only two people.”


Because they’re worgen hard at it


Part of why I reacted so badly to it, I think (though I would have anyway because basic awareness of what Trans people go through kind of demands it) is because my partner, who has always been chronically depressed, is presently going through a personal crisis/awakening regarding their gender identity. So to see some absolute muppet flat out rejecting other people’s identities… idk. I had a hard time with it.

It kind of SHOCKED me that he went that way with it because I always got the impression the attack helicopter thing was something only the most breathtakingly, almost stereotypically ignorant kind of bigot would utter. I just never figured him for the type and then there it was.

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Just start referring to your supervisor by the wrong name. Say that you’re not going to call him by some special name.

we may never know, ask why blood elf players have some weird ones popping up too


there was a brief period where i saw people wanting to use pronouns like xe/xir/zer/zim/whatever but it was very fleeting and I’ve never seen it since like, 2013 or whenever.

I think it exists purely in the minds of turds now.


Sorry, the pronouns were in a terrible Futurama movie, they get to be a permanent part of pop culture now.

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Darn, that’s a LOT of people on twitter who list their pronouns that you just called turds.

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i knew people who used xe/xer

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you know there’s a difference between pronouns and neo-pronouns, right?

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This is perfect, thank you for this forum treasure. We’re almost all trolls after all!


You should see the dummy spits we deal with down here when we tell folks to refer to some of the employees with they/them/their instead of he/she.

I mean, we’re Australian, we call everyone ‘mate’, ‘mate’ and ‘maaaaaaaaaaaaaaate’ anyways, so the complaining about it being too hard always comes across as whinging.

It’s really not that hard and I still get annoyed when folks treat it like a burden to change one or two words when speaking to folks.

I still see some of them around. And they do use those pronouns IRL, though some of them go for two sets, one for the cis, whichever one of the primary three causes the least discomfort, and one set for trans circles.

The folks I’ve spoken to who use neopronouns do it because they feel it fits better than they/them. And ultimately, here’s the thing. I think they’re silly too. I still use them, because it costs me nothing to make them happy. The tiniest bit of effort for something I find strange and silly can make their week, and I know from personal experience what that feels like, being trans myself, so, yeah, screw the people who reject them because they’re weird.

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Attack helicopter and its variants are famous as bigots’ one single joke that all of them tell and all of them think is hilarious

(It’s not)


Like threads that belong in other forums than the one meant to be specifically about Wyrmrest Accord? Those contribute as much as the trolls do to burying threads about guilds and events on Wyrmrest Accord. One reason people keep asking where the RP is: within 24 hours threads about the events and groups on Wyrmrest Accord is pushed so far down the list that you have to scroll down while you scan titles.

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