"I Feel Lied To," Post-BfA Version

It’s not difficult when that’s what Blizzard does to a faction.



Blizzard does it to both factions. Anduin and Jaina are the ones telling the Alliance how bad it would be to destroy Dazar’Alor along with the Horde after what’s happened, shaming victims within their own faction such as the Night Elves. Can’t destroy Stonard during Cataclysm because of how bad it would be despite the Horde getting a vast percentage of the victories in that expansion and barely any gains for the Alliance. But people would rather wear blue or red colored goggles and blame the other side for absolutely everything. Either purposely trolling or are being biased simpletons falling for Blizzard’s marketing.

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You know I think it was alex afrasiabi that said something about the Tauren having ancient lands stolen from them by the night elves, Thought that was VERY interesting. As taurens and night elves are often only associated with peace when they are together.

found it


Tbh I always liked Afrasiabi since he was the guy that pushed the stonetalon Garrosh thing.


Afrasiabi just wants revenge because Metzen killed off garrosh. This is now him writing a revenge plot against sylvanas in order to get back at Metzen for writing above scenario.


Ehm Sylvanas is dave kosaks pet character so I really struggle to see how that is relevant.


Anduin being Arthas’s kid would be Afrasiabi’s revenge.


Why does Treng act like he is bipartisan. Like, because he has a human character, that makes him an Alliance player, when all he does on the forums is whine and moan about Orcs and Horde and Alliance favoritism?

I have an Orc Warrior and a Goblin Warlock. I seriously doubt anyone considers me a Horde player. Hell, I am barely an Alliance player to most people, probably.

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I’m not bipartisan, I’m just capable of divorcing my opinion objectively. Try it some time.


Oh… so that’s why all you do is complain about orcs and the Horde, and rattle in about Alliance favoritism. Right, seems pretty objective.


I don’t complain about orcs much at all, outside of the thread that talks specifically about hero characters, and being mad that Saurfang died. You’re not being objective. Try again.


There’s a grand tradition on this forum of people posting using avatars of the opposite faction to the one they favor. It really shouldn’t surprise you at this point.


This is about my avatar?
I love my transmog and I’m mad about how Blizzard dunked on the Horde, so I have basically only played Dreadmoore all expansion. That’s why I post on Dreadmoore.

Compare armories.

Jesus wept.

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Sure dude, however those Alliance players got their public apology as they deserved.

I´m still waiting on my public apology regarding Blizz lying to me for months on end to get MY money over a product they never delivered.


I agree, it’s quite sad that nowhere along the line while setting up this convention that Blizzard had complete control of and broadcast to thousands that no one stopped to think, “hey maybe we shouldn’t play a vid of our guest calling half the player base a slur.”

Don’t be stupid, I know you’re better than that, and this was a massive mistake on Blizzard’s fault and absolutely insulting. To say otherwise is a farce not worth acknowledging.



Saying that Horde players picked the wrong faction, however, wasn’t a mistake. It was entirely intentional with all that comes with it (ie. Not a one-off).



I don’t feel comfortable trying to compare this to a real-world slur being dropped in Blizzcon, even if it was a long time ago. Besides, even if the primary “audience” those lines were directed to were alliance, it affected more than just them. It feels icky to try to use that in tit-for-tag arguments over lore biases.


To be fair, it is a pretty sweet transmog.


Yeah, I’d still be pretty upset to this day if it were aimed at Horde players instead. It was just juvenile.

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:bowing_man: :bowing_man: :bowing_man: