I feel I should apologize

Feel pretty silly for raising such a stink about never getting it. Big thank you to the group who took me. Kind of wish I got the achievement on Kaz here but oh well.



Its ok bud, we love your crazy off the wall ways. It wouldnt be the same without you.


Well done

Your ancestors will be proud of you !!

Glory to the Horde !! Lok’Tar Ogar!!


EDIT: Assumed it was the legendary axe, but it was just the Ahead of the Curve mount. Hate it that sometimes the images are not shown and it’s just the link… Congratulations all the same.


gz to w/e that link is!


Oh hell no, if I ever got that axe I assume people would kill me.
And yea I wish I could post images without needing to use the ``

Don’t worry, I would only do so in my imagination.

Why can’t you? Are you posting the image link?

Trust level isn’t high enough I think.

It’s ok. I enjoy your zany posting lol.

Strange. I have no idea what trust level is nor how it works.

I’m not entirely sure how it works either. I guess you gotta be posting everyday of every hour of every second or something to get higher “trust” levels which allows more privileges. Seeing as I often take periodic breaks to play other things (and sometimes flag my own posts to get them removed as to keep the forums cleaned up of my general stupidity) I’m regularly at a low trust level. Which is understandable. I wouldn’t trust me either.

But you have nearly four times the number of posts I do…

That may be the reason.

Like I said, I take periodic breaks often lasting for several months.

Most likely.

I just got back from nearly a one year break of never posting on these forums a month or so ago, and when I first got back I was able to post links and images.

Oh… Well then it’s definitely my own self loathing and flagging my own posts to have them removed as to not taint the eyes of my betters any further.

Yeah, I would guess the flagging and removal of posts ties to the trust level.

Grats on the mount and achievement!


Only thing you should be apologizing for is the lack of refreshments in this thread. I came here thirsty and now I’m leaving still thirsty.

Seriously, grats.