Ret paladin is the favorite of the decade (paladin in general) and I’d rather play that But I like balance druid
But everyone keeps telling me if I want to delves and do stuff on my own, to play guardian instead. But I dont want to be guardian (or feral), I like how balance druid looks.
But literally only one person has ever told me “its ok by itself” not great, not the best, not paladin levels, not even mage levels they get a ton of defensives and do really good on their own…just “okay”. But that was the most positive thing I got told about balance
I love how balance looks, but if I get to 80 and can’t do as much as most other classes(mage I soloed a 50 million boss at 80 :O), then I guess maybe its just not the class for me. But very disappointing as its been amazing leveling it up, its a beautiful class for spell effects.
The point of this? No reason other than to rant my emotions away. I love the spec, but its really really extremely disheartening when everyone says play a different spec to solo with…or its “ok by itself”, not good or anything…just…ok…
On the positive note. I do kinda like guardian I guess, but then I’m limited to one single spec the entire time. But I do like its pretty much sorta the only magical tank in the game with the arcane stuff. None of the other tanks are really “magic”. Could say blood DK sorta is or prot paladin, thats kinda its own magic…but I have a different idea by what I mean by magic tank, like its actual spells and stuff. And its the first magic tank in the game.
The downside to that is, I’ll NEVER tank in a group. All tanks must lead a group, and I do not lead in games, do not lead in real life…definitely a follower not a leader lol. Too softspoken and quiet from what I’ve been told and most people don’t understand me unless they know me really well. And I’m deaf so I can’t hear people on voice anyway (well maybe thats a good thing? can’t be screamed at lol)
Sorry for the useless thread though, tried to be as positive as possible toward end of the post with guardian. I just won’t ever tank is all lol, but I do kinda like as I said the guardian “tank mage” sorta theme it has going on.