So it works out that Blizz keeps giving me more! My horse collection is huge! It’s like i’m living every little girl ever’s dream.
Ok…? I am happy for you. Really.
We found the unicorn.
Gunna collect all the seahorses then? Good luck.
They’re great for… cooking.
No, this is not what you should do! Too many Horses BAD! Here is what we should do:
Come 8.2, we all must exclusively use our Water Striders. Basically, it would be a way of “voting.”
See, Blizzard can tell that Water Striders were the most used/only used mount preflying. So that data was part of the reason they put in this “mount equipment”, as well as several silly people requesting the exact thing on the forums since we got Water Striders.
So the very best way to “vote”, on this issue, in a totally peaceful/non-spammy fashion would be to stop making a bazillion threads on it and just:
Only use water striders, come 8.2, with the water walking mount equipment.
I want that so bad, it would be something “new.” I think there are only a couple of options, for Alliance? If I recall, they are rather difficult/campy.
AH yes, Only two, with the Classic “undead horse” look:
Does your horse collection include undead horses too?
Yeah. You have Rivendare’s Deathcharger, and the Halloween mount… the Lich King mount, also the Crimson Deathcharger, the one you obtain doing the Shadowmourne quest chain.
Ah, yeah, I think I bought that. Some of them already resemble my DK mount, though. I was thinking of more of the “skeletal head” undead mounts (the two I mentioned, being the only ones?)
I would love a robot horse that actually uses the horse running animation and not whatever animation the robot horse from the Shop uses.
Well, if you take a sip of some void juice you can ride all the Alliance horses you like, trust me sister, it’s better on the blue side
Looks at thread title. Looks at the original poster. Checks the calendar. Ah, yes. Sunday was YESTERDAY. Wait 6 more days.
grats, do you like gryphon re-colors too?
Quit horsing around.
I think we all agree this game needs mechanical horses now. Flying mechanical horses, with rockets strapped to their butts.
You know what? Forget the mechanical part. My new rocket-butt-horses gonna make me rich.
are there tea parties with the ponies?
Large buff human paladin wanted to be a princess with ponies ?