I dreamt about san'layn yesterday

Greetings my beauties! I was a big sleepy undead that day, yes undead need to sleep to recuperate his energy to continue our forsaken activities. So i put myself confortable in my coffin, getting the right position before sleeping.

After a hour or two of spinning myself in the coffin, i manage to fall asleep! But my usual fantasy dream werent about men chest, but it was about those cute vampire elves. They were really voracious about my undead juice, they wanted to succ all of it because my juice taste the best with my high blood iron level.

But one of them got a better idea then drinking me dry to ashes. The idea was to take me prisoner in their blood farm. Now each day they get their fresh Fleb blood and the blood extraction process was quite painful.

There a prisoner chain upside down on the wall that told me that the warden here is gentle with newcomers until you get on her good side 8).

After hearing that, I woke up confuse but rested. One thing that my dream show me that was clear as day is that blizz must add those vampire elves as a playable race.

Thanks and have a good day!


This is easily the best thread asking for an allied race haha :smiley:

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I approve. Get vampire elves as an allied race, stat!


Did someone say San’layn?!

We do have a megathread, sadly it’s been quiet. Not sure if there’s much hope for them at this point but I’ll continue to talk and wish for something to change.

…Also this is a hilarious story. applause Usually I see break offs as spam but this is well done and the mega has been pretty quiet.


Thank you!



This post will get us San’layn my dear!