I don't want to need mods

Even if I had the best PC available, and mine is decent, I cannot stand dealing with mods in this game. I despise the Twitch Platform, firstly, I just want to play the default game and have Blizzard make sure it’s the best for me.


I NEVER had this problem honestly.

Also i assume you posted this in the wrong forum.


That’s why im on classic

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Mods have been here since the beginning and personally I think it was a brilliant move. People get to customize the game which keeps it fresh. I haven’t used the unmodified Blizzard UI since shortly after the game was released.

Building mods is a hobby for quite a number of folks. Blizzard does a decent job of breaking those that are not in line with their philosophy. As for twitch, I don’t get the angst. I only use twitch to keep my mods up-to-date, you don’t have to watch anything.


I’m so confused, why are you posting this on classic general?

I’m a Luddite playing on a potato toaster and I still manage to use mods without being triggered by them.

Maybe its because he only has to press 3 buttons in retail on every class? who needs UI mods, when everything is the same?

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you then become a slave to external sources of code, which I don’t always trust.

But there are mods on classic


I posted this in the Classic forum on accident. It’s near the top and it says General in it, I think. I screwed up.

Why exactly since there are mods on Classic?


just play without mods, you just have to have a bit more spacial awareness during boss fights so you don’t die to mechanics.

they’re by no means required, they just make the game easier.


So do that. You’re not highlighting an issue, you’re just stating something. Is there some kind of problem?

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I know these are platitudes, but I think they’re true: Play the game how you want. Adapt as necessary if you feel you’re not achieving what you want. There’s no need to compromise on your fun.

Hope you get some enjoyment out of simply running the base game. I use dps meters and DBM for my pve stuff (plus tomtom for mapp coords, and my role play for RP).

Edit to add: I also use method dungeon tool for mythic plus dungeon prepping.


Well you can . Just don’t download them , problem solved. You really don’t need dbm and all that I’d you know all the fights . No one is forcing you or anything to download them . :roll_eyes:


He’s reacting to something I cut.

And I want to be able to make a list of pets on my UI just like a list of pets a hunter uses. It can even be five max. Same with having my own list of mounts.

I cut a bunch before moving from the Classic forum where I mistakenly put this thread as it was negatively written and I just did a “I have hope” post on here that I didn’t want to contradict. But:

I want TomTom in the game. It’s driving me nuts. WoWhead is just pages and pages of coordinates and paste coordinates. I feel I need TomTom to use WoWhead.

Yeah. I started using it again about 6 months ago or so and it’s such a nice QOL improvement. I’ll try to remember to call out Rare spawn locations using coords and basic reference points. But if coordinates were built in on the map display that would be very handy.

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I just look at the map where the dot is on wowhead n go there :joy::sob::joy:

Ah gotcha…

Yeah, I use this addon quite a bit.

This isn’t meant to come off rude, but you not choosing to use addons is a personal decision, and one that’s sort of in the minority. The reason WoWhead uses such is because it’s common that people use basic addons at the bare minimum. Coordinates, a damage meter, DBM, Gladius, OmniCC / Omnibar, etc.

All of those are basic things that most UI’s should come with in some form or another simply based on the idea of performance. Can you do it without? Sure. But then you run into that issue where the world keeps spinning even if you don’t want it to.