As in mutilate was pulled up across all sources of damage ?are you counting vicious venoms and yadda yadda or cherry picking straight abilities? (Not condensending or prodding). If mut was brought up then good. Core abilities pulling their weight across rogues is a good direction regardless.
using Raiding Dummy on Beta (using Deathstalker)
- Normal -331,773 MIN, Avg 478,240
- Criticals - 944,011 MIN , AVG 1,572, 765, Max 2,822,267
Mutilate (phyisical)
- Normal Min/ AVG / Max → 19,072 / 60,243 / 68,112 /
- Crit Min / Avg / Max → 43,446 / 60,243 / 100,678
Mutilate Poison (Vicious Venoms
- Normal Min / Avg / Max → 17,728 + 8,906 / 24,208 + 17,006 /
- Normal Min / Avg / highest → 247,547 / 249,657, 254,356
- Crit Avg 349,547 Crit Max ( lost it as I reset data like a goon )
Ambush (Vicious Venoms)
-Normal Min / Avg / Max → 80,090 avg and Max of 150,006
Ambush does pretty dang well and I am only using all left side talents on purpose (1/2 lethal dose) , no crimson tempest.
- only maintained Deathstalker Corrupt the blood + Rupture / Garrote / Amp Poison (test) + deadly into DTB on purpose to just be “all left and center” based talents.
- Didn’t get to an execute phase as the dummy refilled life.
- using new envenom Rapid Injection + 7 cb pts (Sanguine Strategem for those reading that don’t know that it exists now).
Envenom ended up being a lot more of my damage which is cool to see and generators def pulled their weight. I’m a big fan of out of CD’s being impactful and glad to see Assassins are getting some punch in different ways.
Side Note New Talent from DS: Fatal Intent
- Is a Fixed Value and doesn’t benefit from stacking stuff for some silly dumb interaction) safe and good decision to avoid “game 2” nonsense.
- Deals about the same as a full rupture’s damage but in that instant (pretty dang good talent as is).
I didn’t think addons were enabled yet. What addon or tool are you using to track damage?
Reading combat log and doing the math using a stopwatch from in game for a variable and manually calculating mean , median, mode etc. Details also does work apparently.
It’s so frustrating that we can only make our envenom do max damage on a full moon when the wind is blowing from the east and we are wearing a hat. I mean come on blizzard almost every class has gotten rid of the unnecessary damage multipliers in favor of new abilities. Why are rogues still playing this stupid game of “you have to line up 4 mini-cds to do maximum damage for 10 seconds once every 2 minutes” when almost every other dps class is back to using big cooldowns for burst while doing great damage outside of burst windows.
Just to do maximum damage with envenom, you have to have the envenom buff up from a previous envenom, also have used up your shadow marks, then make sure you have a shiv stack saved up. That’s not even including the bleed side of our rotation, that’s just envenom. There is a reason rogue is such a hard class to balance. You give them 12 dps abilities and cooldowns per spec.
Honestly after playing survival hunter on beta, im already gearing up my hunter just in case rogues don’t get fixed. it’s literally everything i want for rogue minus the stealth. Bombs are just more fun.
I actually thought about doing the same thing. Survival is actually fun.
Envenom and all rogue finishers do good damage on beta. If one is expecting to just press X button and it does ridiculous damage then that is an unreasonable expectation. Amp poison is the closest they are going to get to 5 stacker deadly psn like back in the day.
With 7 cb pts and rapid Injection (new talent) I was still able to crank 1.3M envenoms (pretty good hit comparing among other classes by watching them. I did get a freak envenom for 3.2M yesterday using desthstalker.
Congrats, you did exactly what i was talking about and managed to line everything up perfectly for that 3.2m envenom. Now for the min-maxxers out there aiming to make those not a fluke, imagine how not fun it is to try to recreate that 3m damage every 30s or so when shiv comes off cd. Remember, you need to use 3 envenoms in that 30s but no more, and no less. While also using envenom with your previous envenom buff still on yourself, and not letting garrote or rupture fall off as well.
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Let’s look at this maturely instead of with satire.
- They aren’t going to make any ability regardless of any class do some WOTLK or earlier style damage by pressing it as creating culprits such as that aren’t healthy for the game regardless of what one may believe. It should take some effort and thinking to do stuff.
- The 5 stacker poison ramps up quickly anyway through minimal effort and the mechanical changes they made to other classes “dispels” shoulddddd (I mean that whole heartedly) even the board a little concerning deathmark for Assassins. (positive note form recent changes)
- Meaningful hits came from Envenom regardless of Amp poison selected or not as an example. Both Core abilities and Special attacks pull their weight and should and are emphasized by talenting to the rogue’s choices and demonstrates how one can differentiate themselves.
Please be mindful and take a moment before being the way you decided to be, it helps no one and achieves nothing. I understand it is frustrating but yeah I ain’t taking that or listening to it and the devs sure aint going to either amigo.
Clearly you haven’t been paying attention to raid testing results. All 3 rogue specs are bottom 5-6 for every fight. Rogues are clearly not fine. It’s extremely toxic to have such a complicated rotation to max dps. And that’s not even mentioning the bleeds we are still forced to use vanish on, or the ridiculous aoe openers for m+ just to be able to use our capstone talents. Stop trying to defend stuff that is clearly too clunky and bloated to use. And if you think other classes don’t have “easy big number” abilities, maybe you should look at chaos bolt, or aimed shot. Literally zero setup for those 2 and they hit as hard if not harder than envenom. Don’t even get me started on ww monk abilities.