Considering I can appear to be in an entirely different country at will, yes I’m pretty sure that’s exactly how it works? Like that’s half of the actual function of using a vpn? Or are you confusing that for the location services function on my phone that I block every single app from using because no they do not in fact need it?
Nano technology, folks. If you’ve been bitten by a mosquito in the last 2 years you already have a nano-bug inside you.
They not only know everything you say, they even know what side of your mouth you chew on. Nothing is safe anymore. That’s why I burn everything now. I have a pit in my yard I toss a tire or two on every few days so it never goes out.
Sure a few neighbors have died, but their secrets didn’t cause they didn’t burn everything.
Apparently they think their VPN makes them untraceable or something. I dunno.
But unless you grow your own crops, don’t have a SSN or DL, buy things using gold nuggets, light your house with candles not from bees wax, and use leaves for clothing… I’m not sure how this is entirely possible.
I work in comms and fallen lines happens a LOT, particularly during the winter.
Your phone company knows though. You connect to their cellular towers.
I just felt a disturbance in the force. It’s as if a thousand network admins facepalmed all at once.
yup you got me there, my phone company knows where I am. Sadly having a phone is a requirement of my life, but that doesn’t mean I should willingly open myself to everyone else.
What we’re trying to tell you is you do and you have since the day you got a cell phone. Google and Apple have access to your photos and would do more with them than Blizzard.
I use the kindle app on my phone. I enjoy going to lunch by myself and reading during that time. Lets me recharge.
you don’t need an auth to post or apply, just to do custom titles
big kek, massive lul. Keep on trying to bring up the absolute most basic stuff to try and “gotcha” me, ain’t gonna work. keep on keeping on, you do you but some of us received the basic lesson of being on the internet of “don’t give out personal info” as kids.
Yes… the government thinks you are in Switzerland… Your secret is safe with us.
And all of that is irrelevant anyway since the app doesn’t have permission to track location.
If they honestly cared about privacy they would have a degooled phone… guessing they just trying to act hip on the security front…and have no clue about it
What is that?
It’s a Google phone without Google.
I only have more questions
My Dad set up one of those in the dining room. You couldn’t dial out (of course) but you could pick up the receiver on an incoming call and talk to whomever was calling. The board in front was useful for taking notes.
You basically strip all of Google out of the phone, and put a different OS on it…and the funny part the pixel phone makes the best one