I dont understand these hunter nerfs

The class that does literally the most, cares about everyone, is the most amazing, and most underappreciated?

For the record, I :heart: my mom.


no one cares about good parses, I sure as hell care about bad parses though. Not my job to carry idiots in a raid THIS easy. if they can’t learn the most basic of rotations then I don’t want to play with them lol.

They never tested it. They dont test hunters. They mostly listen to cries of forum crawling back peddling scrubs that dont understand how easy it is to CC the pet and laugh at the hunter as he was now worthless.

With chinera shot gaining a little damage back, we will now be seeing aimed shot serpent sting chimera shot multi shot combo doing 80% of someones hp. And the tears will flow again.

These clowns wont be happy until hunters are free HCs.


To be fair in 1v1 pvp on my hunter I already killed every other hunter before their pet could even get to me with that combo. Edit: Actually I don’t have Aimed shot, but yeah. Serp Sting, Multishot, Chimera Shot, auto shot kills other hunters before a pet reaches you from max range.

You understand that having a good rotation doesn’t = good parse, right?

Like, someone can have a great rotation but they PUG, don’t care to get world buffs, and don’t care to bring consumes because the raid is piss easy and you can clear it in greens without a wipe, so they don’t have great parses, yet they aren’t a bad player.

You sir are a complete moron.

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I also tend to believe Blizzard employees don’t actually play this game, at least like the rest of us. They might log in and do some testing here and there just to make sure things work, but actually enjoy the game like the players do? I sincerely doubt it. They almost certainly do not have multiple characters that they play in dungeons and pvp to even know what it is they’re actually doing or how it affects the overall gameplay.


yes they are.

perhaps a lesson is in order. :school:
nerfing hunter = good
not nerfing hunter = bad
hope that helps :expressionless:

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Yet they don’t care because it’s an ultra casual game people play for fun.

That’d be like taking a game of checkers seriously.

So the easiest class to play has to manage positions for 2 units, one of which can only follow basic commands, has around 6 abilities in their base rotation depending on runes (and one of them can randomly reset, flanking strike, so the rotation isnt always blindly repetative), has to move into melee then back to 8+ yards regularly to take advantage of ranged and melee swing timers, and one of the primary abilities used, aimed shot, is a 3 second cast time on a 6 second CD so half of our time is forced standing still. All while respecting different boss mechanics for both ranged and melee mechanics, and again for 2 units. All while not clipping any auto attacks for ranged or melee

Playing hunter at an optimal level is one of the hardest dps rotations in the game.

Its true that you can do that rotation poorly and still get decent damage, but if we are discussing difficulty of rotation, we are looking at the optimal side of it, not scrub still doing better dps than a raid full of other scrubs.


If you have less than 400hp you’re going to have a terrible time in pvp regardless of what class is attacking you. Funny that you are complaining about a wind serpent “two shotting” you when a balance druid can almost do that much damage with a single starsurge crit lol


when a balance druid can do that much damage with a single starsurge crit lol

WoW is comparatively fairly complicated, and all classes are relatively difficult to play.

I’ve heard a lot of people say APEX Legends is a hard game. Its characters, keybinds, skills, and situational abilities are much less complex than WoW. Though the average level of gameplay and coordination required to play it is likely slightly higher.


All classes have a difficulty to them. But hunters, for optimal performance, are definitely one of the hardest

The skill floor for the class is low. The ceiling however is not.


As someone who has been running marks and chimaera shot for weeks because the BM rune is boring and built for the smoothest of brains—I’m extremely happy with the nerfs/buffs.

MM is going to shine now.

Focus regen needed to be handled before next phase, otherwise it was going to be incessant LB’s on every global (busted AF).

Tbh, the BM rune could have been nerfed down to 15% damage, like Lone Wolf was.

Next they just need to buff Lone Wolf and put it on the leg slot and we could be cooking with gas.

If you don’t agree with these changes, you’re delusional. Hunter pets are OUTRAGEOUS right now.

That’s less than a third of my hunter’s unbuffed HP, for context.


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Classic is a joke.

Retail is hard.

Try fighting a hunter on warrior if you don’t get the jump. It’s unwinnable.

I think it’s fun, not so much funny.

While I’m sure that there are some things in Retail that are comparatively harder, like PVE mechanics, I don’t know that the statement that Retail is harder than Classic would hold true under detailed scrutiny.

It would be somewhat difficult and time consuming to set up and agree upon systems for measuring all content types across leveling, pve, pvp, solo and in groups. It would be interesting to consider whether UI menu navigation would factor into a measurement of difficulty and how it might.

I’d say that a couple of examples that come to mind when I attempt to broadly consider which is more difficult are of course leveling, end-game raiding, Arenas and BGs, Group Forming (PuG, guild, community development), macros & keybinds…

My warrior macro and keybind setup in Classic for example is more complex than my Retail warrior.

Is it harder to get a full group of people together consistently for an entire tier of content in Retail or Classic? Is that a consideration? It definitely is for some people.
