So currently dracothyst are excessively expensive to craft right now due to spores being a high cost item at 47 gold per spore, combined with required 300 spores per transmute, and 50 silken gem dust per craft. Bringing the total cost to 14.8k per craft, meaning that currently it costs 29.7k per craft for enchanted aspect’s shadowflame crests.
This simply seems to be rather excessive if I’m being honest, granted after a couple weeks the AH will be inundated with spores driving the cost down a lot. Currently though its just simply excessive cost wise. Granted its only for crafted gear in which I will give leeway for that, yet currently its been like this since launch for the crafting.
Either the recipes cost a ton of materials to make, or their excessively hard to obtain, can we just not at this point? It makes raiding extremely expensive to participate in, part of the reason why people stopped raiding. Given you have to have a reliable source to gain gold consistently, or have enough money to buy tokens here and there. To be able to afford raid mats if your guild doesn’t supply much for each tier.
Crafting is choking itself out cost wise, which in turn is heavily contributing to the ever growing cost of mythic raiding. Just stop honestly, stop it with all these tiers on crafted items, or high costs, or high rarity that is driving everything up cost wise endlessly.