I Don't Understand something here

IF The Banshee Queen is UNDEAD how can she die ?

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/sits back and waits for Undead people to answer that one



Same reason Arthas died

By making her dead dead.


When you die and become undead, you don’t die again. That’s stupid. Everyone knows t hat’s not how it works. If you’re killed as an undead, you die die because you were killed twice. Same with Undead Death Knights that are killed. They’re dead dead dead.

It’s simply math, really.


Same way she killed all those Kaldorei.

Light her on fire (preferably holy fire) and turn her into a pile of ash.

If we ever try to kill her, she can just leave her body and fly away as spooky ghost

…or I guess just do that with her body intact. Huh.

Implying that Undead and Immortal, are the same thing.

Her soul was ripped out of her body, turned into a spirit and was held under the power of the Lich King. When she broke free of his control, she found her corpse and entered it again. Which is still considered a form of reanimation.

Calm down Jaden Smith.

Easy, she had WM on.

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She’s not Superwomen, she can be sliced up and decapitated and 100’s of other ways to get the job done…

Now if she became a Lich and hid her phylactery really well :stuck_out_tongue:

Was Arthas undead though? Don’t recall him dying at any point in his story. His story was mostly a negative aspect of his personality overtaking him.

Just summon any ret paladin that played legion. Ashbringer will do its job and she will die.

Send her to Detroit to work at a 24 hour convenience store to work the night shift… that’s worse than death.


If we assume death = 0 and life = 1 we can use a simple math formula to see how undead die.

0x1 = 0

There you have it folks, undead can die.

See, the secret isn’t to go through all the trouble of trying to kill her. You’ve got to make her WANT to kill herself. Then, she’ll do the job for you.

Force her to do nothing but raid LFR 24/7. That should do it in about 15 minutes.



As long as there have been traditions of the undead decapitation seems like the surest means. Since she can de-corporate her body though, you’d need some kind of strong exorcism and/or trap her in an object. Ever watched ghostbusters? :slight_smile: My point is that there’s always a counterpoint to the undead, fire is another great one.

The real question is why are forsaken in the horde? The undead have always been the enemies of life (as this expansion amply demonstrates) and I’d be very wary of them AT LEAST if I was the other Horde races. It’s the frog and the scorpion, death is in their very nature and if the writers had any integrity the forsaken would turn on their own people at some point. It’ll never happen because of characters but it’s lazy writing that all these shamanic societies are just chill with the undead. They know what’s going on in the spirit world, they should know better.

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they are in the horde because the alliance rejected them

I’d think both sides would’ve rejected them, but scourge fan service won the day.

We throw her into the Sun.

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