I don't understand Polearms (for arms warriors)

-They cost the most gold to learn at the weapon trainer, as opposed to the other weapon skills.
-They require that you go deeper into the arms talent tree in order to spec into… as opposed to the other weapon skills.

But, as far as I can tell, they’re worse than going with say, a 2h sword or axe. Lower damage, lower stats, less options available.

Is there some awesome advantage to using a polearm as an arms warrior that I’m not noticing? I think they look cool, so I would consider them for aesthetic reasons if nothing else, but I also don’t want to be crippling myself by using them instead of other weapons.

Ice Barbed Spear at 51, starting next week.

Yea… that’s about all I got.


Polearms aren’t bad, there are some good ones out there. The real deathblow to them is their position in the talent tree. Polearm spec vs imp hamstring for arms? No contest. Imp hamstring is too good for pvp to not get. And you cant get both because enrage is better in fury.

If it wasn’t for their position in the talent tree, they’d be fine. And if you don’t really care about minmaxing you can still use then with only a minor loss in offense.

Yeah there’s not any good Spears in the game because Blizzard didn’t understand their own game when they did itemization… or maybe all the good spears were in Karazhan with the Warrior DPS set and the Legendary Bow.

They had extra 5 yards range for your melee skills in beta but blizzard removed that. Tauren with polearms had extra 10 yards of range. They are pointless and only a gimp for warriors.

Damn they should have that! Would be cool to have polearms have more range

Well that would have been awesome. So they were basically designed with that advantage in mind, but then the idea was scrapped?

Exactly. They just became random hunter/paladin weapon because it is bad for warriors.

Dang, ok thanks. This actually answers my question. I would have definitely gone with polearms for the extra range. Basically though, they took away the best thing about them at the last minute… that’s disappointing.

My favorite thing about polearms in this game is they are used strictly as a slashing weapon.

That’s something that I don’t like, lol. Swinging a spear like a sword.

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Ya they would be good pvp weapons and very good hunter weapons due deadzone but idea was completely scrapped altogether with melee hunters being scrapped too.

Yeah, that would have been very cool for a hunter… needed even. The deadzone is one of the biggest reasons I don’t like playing a vanilla hunter. That was an odd decision to remove that aspect of polearms. Pretty much made a decent weapon type almost useless. Should have just removed them altogether at that point.

I always wanted Polearms damage lowered a little and them allowed to be used with a Shield!

That would have been neat. Very gladiator-esque.

Flame Wrath off Ambassador Flamelash in BRD.

So good

Spears were originally in beta (or was it alpha?) and usable by druids. Spears were 1-handed and usable with shields.

the attack speed is usually way too fast to be worth anything to melee classes