I don't understand how someone like me will be able to find a group for Fated raids

It doesnt happen because LFR players in reality dont care enough to raid. I really dont think its about the money. Those people are still gonna come back for DF. Theyre still gonna resub in the end. If they wanna buy tokens to get carried instead of spending time to learn the raid, so be it. Theyll be back when new content is out that they enjoy doing.

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I disagree, I think a percentage of those players dejected don’t come back, and the data would support that. One could argue wow is going through a normal product cycle, and was going to inevitably lose subs in the bell curve anyway, but I have never in my life seen a product surrounded by people who don’t even play the game and talk about it. I think there’s many people that could potentially be still playing, but they don’t because of decisions like this that Activision has made, that are directly unfavorable to the players. The game wasn’t always like this remember. Blizzard before the merge had much better communication and relations with their player-base.

I completely disagree. There are a lot of games out there. Its hard to keep track of them all. When you talk to people about WoW the first thing people ask is “that game is still running?” Or “People still play that”. Its just not promoted. How many advertisements have you seen for diablo immortal over the last few months? Youre not even gonna see a 10th of that amount for DF release. How many people under 25 do you know playing the game? Blizz puts 0 effort into getting new players. The recruit a friend stuff was a bs attempt.

I suppose you could avail yourself of the normal/heroic and mythic zero level dungeons which will drop significantly more powerful loot, even LFR will drop better loot so… you could use those to dramatically increase your ilvl.

I am sure there will be many many groups who just need people, period, who can listen and follow instructions.

So, you believe the amount of people subbed is capped to what is possible? No executive would ever conclude this, and if a manager said it, they’d be fired. I think your opinion is a bit skewed for some reason, as you don’t believe Blizzard has made any unfavorable decisions to deter people from playing it’s game, they have a long history of this. I mean have you seen the scandals lately? That is one thing, but the way the game has been managed has been declining since the merge with Activision. I’m actually curious how long you’ve played, not as a piece of info I can use against you, but to understand what experience you have with Blizzards track record. Are you aware of websites like mmo champion, where practically 70% of it’s occupants aren’t even playing, but they still talk about it?

I’d argue the opposite you’re saying. I think they depend on new players. Ion has even said as much, many times. New players servers, starter zones that are streamlined, ect. Weather they have successfully brought in newcomers is another story, but even if they’ve just accepted a tired older declining player-base, a lot of their decisions still don’t make sense considering. Again, it’s a monetary incentive first. “I need to bump these numbers at least for a short time”, while the declining playerbase gets more an more dejected.

If we can speak beyond one variable being responsible for the reality we’re in. Then of course all of this doesn’t mean the game sucks. There’s plenty about the game that is still unique and world class, but they clearly have management issues. No amount of argument would deter me from thinking that, because I’ve been seeing it for so long.

No i just dont think blizzard puts the effort into getting more WoW subs the same way they do to raise attention for other games. Thats why i gave the DI advertising example.

Im 22. Been playing since tomb. Im aware of mmo champion but never looked into it cause it just looks like the kind of site where 70% of people posting dont actually play.

Regardless of the management issues, as far as new players go i know out of everyone i know my age im the only one playing WoW. Some have heard of it but not enough to try it.

Yea, the reason they depend on new players, is because older players over time have quit. Blizzard had 10 million plus subscribers at it’s peak. That’s 150,000,000 dollars a month in just subs, a month! in a year that’s 1,800,000,000. It’s lucrative.

Over time subs have dropped to around 5 million, that’s roughly half the revenue. Upper management then created an environment where they gave ultimatums to make up that revenue in other ways, hence the store was born, and as the revenue from subs continued to drop, they then started the token, to take back some of the revenue generated by black market gold making. Right now, after the scandal, and low moral towards Kotick, they’re in the worst pickle in their history, so it’s clear they are making knee jerk decision to reattain revenue where they can, and they’ve chosen tokens, because they actually get more money with those than a normal sub.

All in all I appreciate your civility, though I grow tired of talking about this.

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