I don't understand how multiboxing is different that botting

It is only possible to play one character at a time. If someone is alt-tabbing between windows to control their characters that is totally fine

It is humanely impossible to have 5 different characters to attack the same target at the exact time. The only way to accomplish this is using software where it mimic the actions on your main character but this means you are only playing one character and software is playing every other character

Multiboxers play around 5 characters at a time, on average. Let’s assume they’re paying monthly. At $15/mon per account, that’s $75/mon and $900/yr. Stop complaining and just start shaming them for spending $75/mon to play 5 Mages because they have the patience and attention span of a 5yo and need everything set to ezmode.

The software isn’t playing the other characters, I am. I am using the software to send commands to those other clients. If I step away from the computer, my characters stop performing actions.

It’s really very simple. Like 2 + 2 = 4 level simple. But for some reason you are too thickheaded to understand - either because that’s the way you were born, or that’s the way you choose to be to protect yourself in a bubble of ignorance because admitting you’re wrong hurts too much.

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Citation needed.

I bet you couldn’t even handle a dual box, let alone a 5team.

Thanks for reminding me that you probably paided for the multiboxing software too.

This is the level of intelligence of people who get upset about multiboxing.

And no, I didn’t pay. I chose a free solution.

This isn’t a college paper, it’s a game forum. No citation is neccessary. The amount of extra accounts paided for doesn’t change the reason you multibox. WoW Classic doesn’t have paid character boosts or some other shortcut for you to take, because 5yo doesn’t understand delayed gratification or a sense of accomplishment.

Claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence, regardless of setting.

??? It took me over 2 weeks to get my multiboxing setup running properly, and several attempts multiboxing RFC before I stopped wiping to the first mob. What are you talking about? You’re clearly ignorant to the realities of multiboxing. Maybe you should try multiboxing for a couple of weeks and then come back and talk when you actually have an iota of knowledge on the subject.

You still pay for mutiple accounts for the reasons stated above, try justify it however you want

Can you explain to me how taking longer to level up is a “shortcut” and “instant gratification”?

2wks to set up a multiboxing program that’s specifically designed for multiboxing? Maybe you just suck at multiboxing.



Can we please get someone who knows what they’re doing to argue on behalf of the multiboxers please? Doesn’t seem fair that this guys is your current representative.

You do realize you just insulted yourself, right? Considering I know more about multiboxing than you do…

But apparently not enough to actually benefit from what you’re doing.

What I’m hearing from you is that you have nothing left to argue after I corrected you, so now you’re just resorting to insults. :hugs: :sunglasses:

Let’s see, your argument is, it takes longer to set up, it costs more, and it takes longer to level? Not really making a strong case for anything other than you enjoy getting a worse experience for more money. You’re like the perfect consumer.

Thank you for agreeing with me that you were wrong earlier.

You literally just conceded the argument to me, lol

What insult? I’m simply pointing out that you clearly don’t know what you’re doing if it takes 2wks to get multiboxing software to multibox and have no issue throwing money at your problems.

The insults you’ve been posting (instead of actual arguments because you have none) for the past 20 minutes.

And what problems are those?