I don't think it's June 1st, guys

  1. Blizz wouldn’t just drop pre-patch on us without saying anything at all
  2. They said it would be an extended pre-patch; 4 weeks doesn’t sound like extended.
  3. No expac has ever been launched with only 4 weeks notice on the release date.
  4. Tomorrow’s maintenance is only a 1-hour maintenance, not extended
  5. The source of the screenshots is Reddit, and two of the three people who posted screenshots were accounts that were inactive for months/years and then suddenly showed up today to post a screenshot on /r/classicwow, kinda sus

That’s why its more likely to be the prepatch date instead

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Nah. 18th is fine for a prepatch. Just under 2 weeks.

The last thing we need is a long prepatch and someone exploiting something that carries over to ruin the launch.


You have good points. I was also leery about the authenticity of the screenshots. If you look at the top left of the larger image, you’ll see that the Blizzard icon has “beta” over it. So I am not sure if that means the battle.net app is in beta or what.

But, if the prepatch hits the 18th, then that leaves 2 weeks for TBC to come out. That seems reasonable. It also aligns with the recent Twitter post from one of the developers saying that TBC is coming out “very soon.”

No, that’s not reasonable. I’m rerolling paladin and missing 5 days due to a funeral. That gives me 9 days total to get to 60 and get some semblance of gear. Unacceptable unless they pre-patch tomorrow.


A June 1 TBC launch would typically be midnight CET, which would be 12 PST at Blizzard, which is May 31, which is Memorial Day. Weird to launch a game on a national US holiday. Good for gamers that have the day off, but bad if you’re an employee.

Pre-patch makes more sense because those releases are typically after Tuesday maintenance, though they’ve done odd things like late week Naxx opening.

In short, who knows. Hopefully pre-patch is soon and lasts at least 4 weeks. Think it will be fun to play the game in that state for a bit.

You mean like the first time blizzard released TBC and said they would reset honour before unlocking to dark portal so people could not stock up at 60 and immediately buy at 70?

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I don’t trust it either. It is very common to troll with photoshop.

You gave some good reasons.

Possible yes, likely no.


I mean original BC prepatch was a week so, even 2 weeks is extended.

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It’s the Beta version of the Battle.net launcher.


it was a month. the dark portal event was a week tho

In all fairness you could be starting your paladin when TBC launches.


There has been so little communication from blizzard at this point i would not be surprised at all that they would just drop pre-patch to zero fanfare other than some passive advertising on sites like reddit or Twtich ads.

BLizzard has said a lot of things though. Whats extended to you might not be what they believe.

Lets be honest about what this is though. This is remake of something that blizzard originally thought was just a niche idea. They are not reinventing the wheel with TBC they have the data they just need to make sure that the first 3 raids work and the systems for TBC work everything can wait really. Not saying the beta is in a good places (since im not in it) but they could drop it in and still work on it.

This is a weak point. The fact it was showing up on blizzard Launcher means there was a mistake in the backend of what was being displayed. Not the first time blizzard has made mistakes like this in the past and prob not the last time either. Personally i would say that June First is the Pre-Patch date since we ARE in TBC expansion at that point.

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They need more time to write code for dual spec


I agree this is not normal behaviour either but shadowlands is probably behind schedule and this will bring numbers in and they don’t want to stack them again.

It was 46 days.

Its nice for people leveling the new races, but that’s about it. Playing around with the new talents is cool for a few days, 2 weeks is more than enough.

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TBC prepatch was 42 days long.

I will be irate if that date proves true. Blizzard has been ridiculously hush hush about this entire timeline, making it extremely difficult for those of us with lives and work schedules to adequately prepare for the launch of TBC.

I personally scheduled a vacation for the first week of June because I thought “surely not even Blizzard, as terrible as their communication and planning has been for TBC, would drop it on us with less than two months warning.”

I will be extremely unhappy if I now miss the first 5 days of TBC because of their unwillingness to communicate with their playerbase.


Obvious photoshop is obvious