I don't think brewmaster changes are coming anymore

I think we’re just going to have to accept that this is what it is, and reroll Paladin or Warrior if we want to continue tanking. It’ll be way more noticeable as the other specs get reworks and buffs, and gear up.


This is literally the story of monk since it’s inception. We fall behind, we get forgotten about, we fall behind more. Only the gluttons for punishment stay as monk and most of our player base rerolles every xpac.


Any hope for Brew changes in 11.0.7 has long since been gone. If we get any changes it will be in 11.0, which has no real info yet.

It sucks but I agree. They would be worried about another tank meta change especially one so late in the season.

If changes do not come with 11.1 … we riot!

Once the next patch hits we should see the next PTR pretty quickly because its not too far from the next season/tier. From there I am going to look at the set bonuses and any changes they have planned for Monk as well as M+ and Raid.

Then I can decide if I need to reroll or drop my sub for the next tier. Personally tired of Monk being somewhere between bad and ok IF you are amazing at the class while several other classes get to face roll their way to better healing/damage/tanking.


Big sad.
I want brew to be good

I just want an ounce of utility tbh. I’m happy with my survivability and dmg.

But it feels so awful bringing negative utility to a group when I compare to a pally/dh/bear. Bdk and warrior are probably in a similar boat but war shout is at least better than mystic touch.

Monks used to at least have good stops but those are worth nothing now. You just need so many god damn kicks for bolt spamming mobs.

The utility balance is so out of whack.

Even if prot pally was the lowest DPS tank, they bring:

  • Devo aura
  • sac
  • bop
  • immune mechanics/debuffs/untankable hits themselves
  • freedom (tigers lust doesn’t “prevent” anything)
  • INSANE NUMBER OF KICKS, and ranged ones to actually pull casters into pulls
  • brez (why)
  • reduce group mobility CDs.
  • immune disease/poison on sac (cheese nw boss)
  • passive group HPS

Monk brings:

  • 4% move speed in 10yd range (can’t even afford the point for it lol)
  • clash as a shty death grip (if I had a point for it)
  • rop (there’s no real situation where this is invaluable, protect ranged against wasps in mist and Shadow step mobs in boralus?) Its just an emergency stop that scatters mobs too far and out of AOEs
  • vivify spot heals are ACTUALLY decent but this is the only meaningful utility I feel brew can bring lol
  • long range statue pulls (only practical use I’ve found is shooting range pull in boralus during trash)
  • ??? This was me reaching too

Give us a raid buff and brez or something.

Idea wishlist (any of these, not all obviously):

  • brez
  • Chi-Ji’s Protective Wing: When a raid/party member within 100yd would take fatal damage, Chi-Ji will swoop in to prevent it and shield them for [100% monk’s max health]. Does not trigger for the monk. 8m CD.
  • Windwalking: Now gives 8% move speed and 4% avoidance to allies within 40yd. Stacks with other move speed effects.
  • Chi-Ji’s Grace: Gives raid/party members 3% haste and 4% avoidance for 1 hour.
  • (Brew Only) Guard: Roll to an ally within 30 yd, redirecting 75% the first 3 instances of damage they would take to the Brewmaster as pure stagger damage. Lasts 5 seconds. 1.5m CD. Counts as a brew for the purposes of cooldown reducing abilities. (Dampen harm animation/sound)
  • Clash now scoops up all enemies within 5yd of the target and monk (pseudo mass grip)
  • Shado-Pan Technique: Channel for the next 2 seconds, if an enemy within 10yd is casting an interruptible spell, the monk will do a long range throat strike dealing X dmg and interrupting them for 3 seconds. Can only occur every 0.2 seconds for up to 5 strikes. Does not prevent the monk from avoiding attacks. 1m CD.

Pls blizz, literally anything


likely we will get some hope in PTR and then it will get nerfed because they dont equinox butchering other R1 tank class mains

i would be happy with an potent alcoholic keg that u smash on enemies and instead of attacking us they attach teammates for 5 seconds, 2 min CD Target capped at 8 targets, The damage they do to each other is obviously tuned down, cannot be used on bosses.

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We don’t want any new skills.

We want breath of fire to do actual damage, cuz right now even with the talent it does half of what refining fire does for Prot Paladin. We want keg smash to have a larger AOE and the damage to be increased 10% so it actually grabs threat, so basically undoing the DF s4 nerf that was unjustified. We want SCK to be unneeded again, so increase its damage by 20%

We want celestial brew nerfs reverted, and elixir of determination unnerfed.

If they just revert half of the nerfs they’ve given us time after time, we’d at least be B tier instead of D tier.


Yes true, but also we need a rework. Its hard to balance us, we are way too OP on bosses and clapped cheeks on trash


That’s cute but you still bring negative utility

I have a DK, Warrior, and BRM and we just feel weak. Less dps, less healing/dmg mitigation.

I’d be shelfing my monk if MW wasn’t fun to play. But I really only raid as MW that and doesn’t leave a lot of content left.

I hate to be that guy but if you feel it’s way less tanky and dmg than other tanks you’re doing something wrong.

I can accept the argument that it takes more effort/experience for the same performance though.

I have a DK, Warrior, and BRM and we just feel weak. Less dps, less healing/dmg mitigation.

Brewmaster definitely should not be doing less DPS than either Blood nor Prot Warrior when played properly. It also shouldn’t feel significantly less tanky. There’s several tankbusters that Brewmaster can just eat and frame 1 purge with no defensive or a weak CB. It is definitely more effort than some tanks, though.

Don’t worry about being that guy. You’re wrong so your feedback doesn’t matter.


After playing more with a healer friend instead of pugging a healer, Brew feels pretty good for survivability. Of course thats with communication.

What I think would be good buffs are any of the following

  • Mystic Touch increases all damage taken by 5%
  • Windwalking: baseline aura increases move speed by 7% and Avoidance by 3%. Not a huge change but 3% less aoe damage is okay
  • Keg Smash radius increased and increased threat generation when hitting 3 or more targets
  • Breath of Fire: DoT damage increased by 20%
  • Breath of Fire: Black Out Kick BoF buff consumes 5 seconds of BoF DoT to deal equal Damage
  • Rising Sun Kick damage increased
  • Spinning Crane Kick damage Increase
  • Clash: PvE 10yd Pull and Inturrupts + Disarms enemies for 3 seconds
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Point out what was wrong, we could all use a good laugh.

Nah, I just quit


Yeah all 10 of us