I don't like the Yak mount

There is. Stop being annoyed at other people’s mounts. I have no idea what it is within you that makes you go total control freakazoid.


The solution is to have other mounts with around the same utility as the yak. Mammoth is close. Longboi was really nice too. Another transmog and/or AH mount will prob cut down on the amount of Yaks you see.

starts digging through my toybox to see if there are any yak-proof goggles in the game

Run! It’s the Homeowner associations (HOAs)


I personally like them all. It’s nice when you come across one to use. Can save loads of time running to a vendor/mogger.

If you are worried about them moving, you can always send them a tell and just ask them, Hey, can I use your vendor for a sec? I would be amazed if anyone actually told you no.

PS: It’s clear that if it annoys you to see one someone else has by simply standing there, you have the beginnings of OCD. Seriously, think about what you are really saying. “I don’t like seeing what someone else has.”

I guess they call it “wow” for a reason…

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I like the yak and tundra traveler mammoth for the giant size. I like using them even without using the vendors. I would use the brutosaur if i wasnt so broke all of the time and it wasnt removed from the game.


You should look into Nakk the Thunderer. For some reason, that mount is really huge.
I think its called Bloodhoof Bull or something.

since a large portion of this expansion is the special flying, they should really give us some new updated Yak mounts. I’ll take a Yak-9K, a Yak-38 “Forger” and also the Yak-141 “Freestyle”

classic case of someone who needs to take a giant dose of get over yourself

That said, you know what this post really illustrates?
the lack of yak washes.

there is only one.

talk about a business opportunity for someone.


Im hearing “more yak” wish granted my little kumquat


No solution is required.


It’s people like you who make me regret that I have but one yak to give.



Maybe don’t focus so much on what you don’t like?

For every word you say describing what you don’t like, say ten describing what you do like.

Therein lies happiness, for you and the people around you.

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There are some harsh responses out there. I was simply trying to express my opinion about something that really wasn’t a big deal nor did i really expect a change, but apparently I’m a control freak and i have OCD.

I gon’t afk on the yak, but I will stay on it as long as there are people around me seeming to use it, I like to think I am helping my little grummle buddies make a living.


Problem is, theres A LOT of players that will dismount if they see someone using their xmog or vendor. See it all the time. Thats when i decided to buy one of my own a couple years ago.

It still goes on, just had it happen a couple days ago on my new alt that could not summon mine yet to use the vendor.


Turn transmogrification into a profession.

Problem solved.

I personally don’t mind the yaks, they’re a refreshing change over the sea of the usual highland drakes :laughing:

Would be nice if they added more variety of mounts that can t-mog or even a t-mog barbershop mount combo.

I say this next part as nicely as possible but this is a you issue so it’s you who has to make the adjustments needed to enjoy the game it’s not the player base around you.

The next best thing you can do is spend your time in less populated cities, move your characters to a lower populated server or (like most people) just ignore it, focus on what you enjoy and love!


To bad. SOL buddy lol.