Every time I enter a city, all I see are players on their Yak mounts strewn about, many AFK. I understand the utility that they bring with the vendor and all, but most of the time they are just an eyesore and block the view of where ever I am trying to go. When I logged in this morning, there were at least 4 of them within 30 yards of each other right where I was standing.
Now really sure if there is a solution to this, but I need to get my frustrations out. Maybe don’t get on your Yak if there is another one nearby that you can use for vendors?
Often times people are just afk on any mount Yaks are just sore thumbs due to bulkiness.
Other people like a few friends I have are avid mog farmers and seek constantly to make or improve their mogs so they are afk searching online or crafting one for 30+ minutes.
No, because sometimes that one runs off or dismounts before I am done.
Mine never leaves me early.
It’s my yak, I’ll continue to use it whenever and wherever I choose, look away if you’re offended.
But then you’re in the middle of a transmog session and that person dismounts and flies away.
Why do you think that people care about what you think about their mount?
There are very few immutable rules in WoW. However one of them is: When you go to use someone elses yak/bruto, they are guaranteed to move.
This is why you have multiple yaks within spitting distance of each other.
There really isn’t. Thing is, I like the design of the yak and think it looks so neat standing still, but I don’t like the way it runs. So I never use it as an actual mount. This has created the habit in me of getting on it to use the repairs/vendor or to make a quick transmog swap due to new gear and then swapping back to another mount immediately. So one of your problems is solved in one person? 
BTW, your character looks awesome. 
I know this is a strange complaint. I just don’t like seeing an ocean of yaks every time I enter a main city. Might as well start calling the game World of Yaks.
Pretty much everyone does this. No one actually uses the yak/bruto for transport.
Right, I’ll remove it from my bar and spend time out of my day searching for another one (that will probably leave within a few seconds) just so you don’t have to see another yak, OP.

Bad complain aside, you do realise there’s a transmog npc in all main cities?
Yeah, but why go to them when I can literally summon one to my side.
I know, I know. Was just pointing how you could just go to the npc and not depend on someone else’s mount. That applies to everyone that somehow don’t have the mount a decade after its release.
It’s so funny when you’re in a BG or raid group and someone asks if anyone has a transmog mount and 20 of them pop up instantly.
Lmao bruto was my go to at start of SL. Would kick off the AH npc and then ride around to quests as I needed.
This kind of anti-Yakism is so hateful.
We call it summoning the herd.
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