I don't like the game anymore

I met Nui during SL. so that’s a positive!

Having (new) friends in WoW really makes a difference. If you want, I can send you an invite to a chatty discord of likeminded players. Maybe we can get the gears rolling just doing nonsense content like mog runs.


Take it easy, Edalaen, and good luck out in the real world!
Thanks for stopping by to say goodbye.

var neverGonnaQuitWow = true;

while(neverGonnaQuitWow) {
Console.log(“See you in Dragonflight!”);

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Obligatory can I have your gold reply.

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Compared to FF14, I can see why the more casual fanbase would slowly start to hate the game. There’s no maps to run, there’s no Gold Saucer, the re-playability in older content feels forced as opposed to encouraged, there’s no Relics to grind for sweet looking weapons, etc etc.

It just feels like all the older content in WoW lacks the proper allure to encourage you to want to do it. Better yet, people just perceive it that way and it becomes the standard. It’s hard to want to play a game when the social aspect is so heavily tied up in the Mythic+ realm as opposed to the other 99% of content in the game.

Cool. Thanks for telling us.

I feel your pain.

My rotation used to be so simple before they turned my beautiful Combat Rogue into a pirate.

I used to top DPS charts just facerolling on my KB, which was a lot of fun, now I’m lucky if I’m top 5 in a raid.

The problem with me is that I will never quit WoW, I have invested too much time into this toon, since BC, and although I’m not a DPS monster anymore, I do love some of the toys they added and mounts, I’m a sucker for visuals.

My hope is that in DF the skill tree builds will bring back some of the old flavor of WoW, and hopefully it will simplify my rotation and make it more fluid and potent again.

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Soo can i have your stuff?

“See you next expansion” is such a meme. Do people think players never quit the game? Lol.

This I agree with, whole-heartedly. To this day my social life is at a whim, and a lot of it has to do with my commitment to WoW and/or gaming in general. It’s who I am, I guess.

Don’t think I’ll ever put the game down totally, though. I’ve had sessions where I stopped entirely and took long breaks. Now, I’m just playing it at a lower level. I used to Mythic raid, and now I’m just doing the game a peg lower. Not giving it 200% makes the game just a bit more enjoyable.

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I came back about a month ago to see if SL’s had changed my classes but it hasn’t. They are still boring, watered down garbage. They are not enjoyable to play and they all play very similar. Not to mention that you really can’t have unique builds anymore so your stuck playing the same way no matter which talent you take. They are uninspired to say the least.

I think I have a day or two left on my sub and than I am gone till either we get new playable races I want to play or DF launches. And the DF talent trees, that got me excited when first mentioned, are trash. All they do is give us our current abilities but allow us to choose some over others and they also appear to prune at the same time.

They should’ve given us Legion weapon traits, AZ traits, conduits, and Torghast anima powers. All of those were impactful and felt way better and more fun. Remove any and all abilities that we should have or have had in our kit and only add abilities of other specs. Would also like to have abilities like Black Arrow and Claws of Shirvallah back also. Giving us our own abilities, that we should have access to to begin with, in a talent tree is laughable.

To each their own.

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I hope you mean this not as a negative against WoW. You chose to play this game. Same goes for the OP.

Sorry to hear that. Though I feel that if one looks hard enough, one can always find a new way to play.

Bit of both. I love the game, still to this day. Although I’d be lying if I didn’t say it had no contribution to my social anxieties over the years.

The people who quit, just quit. They don’t make posts about it.

Someone suggested the OP should quit WoW and find a new game. I say the OP should quit WoW and find a hobby that’s NOT a video game. Healthier.

This is an exaggeration, just saying.

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Are you sure about that? Sometimes it is true, sometimes it isn’t.

I’m taking a break when S4 launches, and I may not be back for 10.0 in DF, although most likely I’ll be back for 10.0 as I expect that will be the patch that “actually” addresses the problems with the game. So… since I said it on the forum, you think it isn’t going to happen? Lol.

I quit during Wrath and didn’t come back until SoO in MoP. I also skipped all of BFA. I’ve definitely put my money where my mouth is. OP could as well.

I can feel you. Still love the game… just don’t have the time anymore. Ever since dragonflight was announced, my overwhelming thought was that I’m not gonna be there. Was a very spontaneous emotion, which is when I knew I’m done. Just waiting to down jailer, wanna go out on a win.

Thanks for letting us know. We will all sleep better tonight.

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