How about this OP, I dont like you accusing people of entitlement issues when people are in fact ENTITLED to their own damn opinion, whether YOU like it or not. Here’s another gem, I do not like developers that act like they are ENTITLED to my damn money even it means producing garbage. Here’s one last gem, I do not like a company that ditches the very fan base that brought it to where it is now, just to satisfy a bunch of people in China!
Lastly, I dont like a company that builds its reputation on making games for gamers that then does a complete 180 and decides, screw that, we are gonna make games for shareholders!
Like, it’s one thing to think a game is bad but it’s another to be upset just because a company didn’t offer you the precise product you wanted. You don’t have to buy Immortal. It just happens you weren’t the target audience and unfortunately, a guy awkwardly on stage was being boo’d at by players who were disappointed the game they wanted wasn’t announced and said something he hoped, in the moment, would calm the tension.
Just passionate about this bro. Been a gamer since my first Atari, I see corporate greed killing some beloved titles and it’s a sore subject for many of us.
Announced great Diablo news (no mention of mobile). Said Diablo fans would DEFINITELY want to be at that BlizzCon (no mention of mobile). Belatedly downplayed how hyped up people should be (WAAAAY too late. And again no mention of mobile). Rolled out a mobile game to a PC focused group (ignored the newly released version for Switch). Had no news for Diablo PC gamers (or newly released version for Switch). Got snarky with the audience when their offering failed to impress. After the presentation, the head of the company could not contain his excitement for pursuing the market overseas. Again, nothing for the PC gamers (or the newly released version for Switch). And still today, months later, no solid mention of what is coming for the PC market.
Don’t expect the meme to die until there is a solid announcement of exactly what is coming for the PC market and the Switch. Actually, expect it to get worse when D:I releases.
same company with the same problems, the devs in a bubble, d; immortal isn’t the problem, but them being surprised that their most die hard core audience are PC gamers, and not understanding why a mobile game was a huge let down before they insulted the audience is the problem.
This is carried over to wow in the same way with “you think you do, but you don’t” mindset, the problems in alpha that where reported early and often stayed in the game and they don’t understand why people are upset, previously they complained about “lack of feedback” for alpha/beta yet routinely ignored feed back.
They are connected, different games yes, but same company.
As a consumer with expectations and personal opinions on a product you may or may not want to buy, there is no such thing as entitlement. The idea that you’re “entitled” because you want a product to meet a standard is moronic and almost Stockholm Syndrome’esque in nature.
Your argument fails to mention the fact that Alan Adham himself, on stage, said Blizzard’s top developers are moving to the mobile market in China. You’ve also failed to mention the fact that the Diablo franchise in particular hasn’t produced anything good or new in years, and many fans don’t believe Diablo III was a proper successor to Diablo II at that. You’re also failing to mention that Blizzcon, where Diablo Mobile was HEADLINED, is a convention where PC based consumers come to hear about new products. The fact that they HEADLINED a mobile project to PC goers is laughable, on top of adding the “don’t you have phones” jab. What’s even more pathetic, is that this HEADLINED MOBILE project isn’t being made by Blizzard, but rather a Chinese mobile company. Even worse, this game is only a reskin of another game they’ved made, and most of the released meetings have one of Blizzard’s top dudes, Wyatt Cheng, primarily focusing on MONETIZATION over game play, from a company that used to be about game play first.
Your attempted attack on gamers by parroting a moronic entitlement claim is absurd. You just took jabs without providing any facts.
on top of that they announced we likely won’t get it until the mid 2020s. Any work done on it is very small and they are currently working on starfield for the most part before they focus on ES6.
That’s because they need to listen to their playing and paying customers. The entire “Our devs play more mobile games” thing was by far the worst PR I have seen from anyone.
That is about as direct as you are going to get from a company saying “We value our dev team more than we do our customers”.
Almost, just almost as bad as Ion saying that they don’t think the players will be able to find and use PVP vendors if they were brought into the game, even with the fact there is now a FP literally on top of the PVP area in the new world.
Not to mention the fact that they put out a lot of hype that they were making some big announcement and didn’t tell players to tone it down a little bit on their excitement until right before BlizzCon, after the tickets were already bought and people w e r e set to go. So they definitely deserved what they got.
No, the issue is they couldnt see the dissapointment coming, which shows a clear disconnect. Even a couple of the original Blizzard guys on twitter face palmed at the sheer disconnect. It also showed where their priorities are, where they could even consider showing this at Blizzcon.
You are trying so hard here you just look like a moron. If they just announced the swtich release people would complain about a lack of diablo announcements for a week and that would have been the end of it. You trying to narrate this as people throwing a fit over toys just shows how dense you are.