I don't like spiders

I don’t even like Spiderman. Keep that away from me.

Thank you

You sound a bit crabby about them?


Janeknight is walking down a street in New York. Suddenly, the Green Goblin races by, catching her leg with his glider. She cries out in extreme pain and falls to the ground. As she slowly tries to crawl to safety, she sees Spider-Man across the street.

Spider-Man shrugs and calls out: “I could have stopped that, but… well, you said to keep away.” He then swings away.


When you walk face first into a web

Silently ponders what Spiderman would look like in arachnophobia mode.


I feel that way about gnomes.

But only people who are freaked out over spiders get special treatment.

stomps foot

:blush: Well in that case, here’s a bunch of crab emojis:

:spider: :spider: :spider:

Although the crabs young got these really weird webs though :thinking:
:spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider: :spider_web: :spider:


I used to be ok with spiders. I would pick them up and put them outside. However, one day after I had a hernia operation and had to sleep upright in a lazy boy, I awoke with 2 spider bites. From that day on, it was war. If I see a spider in my house, I kill them immediately. Squish Squish.

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You sure it wasn’t just bed bugs or some other bug bite? Spiders don’t really just bite for no good reason. Well unless you are in Australian or something. I’ve hear funnel-web spiders are rage incarnate.


Hmm… Just going to drop this into the chat:


Yes it was indeed at least 1 spider who died their last bite.

i bet that i have the biggest fear of spiders in this entire forum but i am not that much of a wuss to use crab mode

I’m super chill with spiders. Even got one living in our living room, while it is most likely a female I still refer to 'em as Spiderbro because when weather gets humid, rather have a spider than flies.

It’s only when they step into the forbidden zones do they get crushed, as they are welcome in the corners and ceiling spaces but once they come to the computer desk, chair, tables, cooking areas, or bed, they get punished for their trespass.


well. different strokes for different spiderfolks. Seriously I lived with a non non verberal aggression pact with spiders for over 20 years. They broke the deal, not me. Semper Fi , do or die, …

N’Zoth, scorpions, spiders, lizards, and ducks are cool.

It’s all the cats and fluffy bunnies that are the real problem.

Spiders are bros.



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I had a brilliant idea… man spider… one day a normal spider was randomly bitten by a radioactive MAN! The poor bitten in half spider turned into a giant hideous man spider thing!’

I’m trademarking this…

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Spiders rarely interfere with my life. Insects do all the time. Spiders eat insects.