I dont care about rating, rewards, or getting rolled by better players…i just want competitive play against and with competent players that have their gear already…i was unlucky with my draws and now im in mmr hell …cant get back into the 1700+ club…every single match is with people still gearing who dont care if its a win or loss cuz they dont lose rating …they are just there for the gear…its seems like im the only one losing rating…like i said i dont care about rating …i just want better play …and thats 1700+ …it really sucks to log on …and lose in a scrub match …going nowhere fast …MMR is such crap …why is it even used …if your geared …you should be able to play against all comers …if ya get rolled ya get rolled …i despise being categorized…keep your titles and your mogs and your mounts i just want a chance to compete and im not getting it due to blizards lame mmr system…
I dono if they are better… When you are in a pug against a Premade in discord, they have a massive advantage. Blizzard did nothing and allowed 3rd party websites to monetize all pvp rewards.
The red pvp gems worth a ton of gold that can be converted into AH longboy mounts and sold on websites undercutting Blizz. How SOLO brackets are not solo, its pugs vs premades with loopholes left in the game to allow Queue Sync Premades… Starting to think insiders are doing this to launder money from the company.
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It’s not just you. I had to take a few weeks off, and ever since, it’s mainly loss after loss, and with every loss, there goes more rating.
I don’t know about all these conspiracies I see you continually pushing. Give it a rest, wouldja?