For any of us that been with this game since the original vanilla days and followed it since then…the community council is a joke. Its meaningless PR.
Opinions and feedback were never an issue in this game, and while yes many is just mad rumblings but there’s ALWAYS been people making legit posts on feedback with earnest efforts to help improve things motivating that feedback – blizz never listened to them.
So suddenly this Community Council fixes that? Its ridiculous.
I’m neutral on Community Council but I am disappointed that they’ve not addressed the very real lack of lgbt representation. A lot of them barely post or communicate on the forums. I plan to put in my application to community council soon and I will definitly be pushing for more representation for minorities and lgbt. A good starting point would be to add more micro-holiday events (June pride month micro-holiday)
She is literally a paladin. Her entire design concept was corrupted paladin. There’s direct quotes from developers on her wowpedia page if you need a reference.
She draws power from the fel, not the light. Thus, a non-light paladin is indeed in the Lore.
As I have said, I would not play a void elf paladin. I have 3 Paladins, I don’t need a 4th lol.
She is jot a paladin. She uses her fel powers to make a mockery of paladins. Her skills does not share the same traits as a paladin.
You can keep trying to pretend she is. But 100% of paladin lore is the light, and using it. The class is baised on uther and Arthas before he turned to a death knight.
And even if you do want to use the tyrant as an example of a fel paladin (She uses fel, not shadow) her skill set as a boss works against you for your needs, as the mockery of the paladin specs is fully shown to not be baised on protecting or healing, but to do harm which us against what prot/holy specs are about.
She quite uses Auras, Seals, Guardian of the Ancient Kings, Edicts (in the form of a Corrupted Hammer of the Righteous), A Fel Consecration, and throws fel fire hammers.
But sure, keep thinking she doesn’t use paladin skills. FYI, you can literally open the dungeon journal and see this if you don’t want to go to the fight.
And no, it doesn’t work against the argument, it helps it. Your (and many others) arguments is that Paladins can only be made from the Light. She proves they can pull from the Fel - another place that is known to not heal.
And if you bothered to read my thread, I mentioned that lore-wise, all of them would be ret paladins, no different than how lore wise all Mag’har priests are shadow, all lightforged priests are holy, etc.
Actually, visually she is fel-themed, she has a fel marking that is a “mockery” of the Draenei Naaru symbol. But she uses almost all shadow magic from what I remember.
She was a former Vindicator who turned to Shadow. But most importantly of all, she is an NPC. And NPC’s follow different rules than players when it comes to stuff like that.
Also, something I didn’t know, she is voiced by the same actor who voices Major from Ghost in the Shell. Well that’s cool.
I’ve stated in the past exactly how much credence I give anyone who posts here and it’s not hard to understand:
I look at their achievement point total, and I look at their post count. If the former is greater than the latter, then I take what they say at face value. Otherwise I dismiss the comments out of hand.
Beyond that, I only bother to check someone’s profile to verify them if they claim expertise beyond my own and it doesn’t pass the smell test. For example, a supposed mythic raider who doesn’t seem to know why he should have his gear gemmed and enchanted; or a gladiator level pvp’r who doesn’t know about keybinds.
I don’t begrudge anyone on the Community Council opinions based on their own in-game experience. And I actually am hopeful when I see members of it with obvious accomplishments.
Then you do not know what defines a paladin in WoW.
I did the lfr back then, none of her spells actually reflect paladins except by name. The names is to mock paladins.
Fel is chaos incarnet. It does not heal without a heavy cost, burning a soul and currupting both at the same time.
Priests is the only exception of the rule due to it having to go over the different racial archetypes through out WoW, if it didn’t do that, we’d have several more different classes of priests that is class specific.
Also do note, paladins embue themselves with the light. You do the same with fel you become a demon, full stop. She fights as a mockery of a paladin because she used to be one before she decided to turn into a demon.
We’re not talking about the same NPC then, because the NPC I am talking about is a demon who uses shadow magic that is inspired by Paladin abilities. The NPC I am talking about is Tyrant Velhari in Hellfire Citadel. I looked up the actual info before I responded.
In any case, my point was that NPC’s don’t have the same restrictions that players do due to gameplay reasons, they can be and do whatever they want.
I’d like for class/race restrictions to be eased up but I don’t think that using singular NPC’s as an example is really the way to go.
I’d prefer them to go full ham and make all races able to be all classes. Lore be damned. It’s already cursed. Of course, I know that most likely will NEVER happen.
My second choice would be for them to do exactly like you said and make available established/implied ideals, or ideas that are more thematically sound and lore-friendly. But I also have doubts of this happening as well, considering we are getting a new class AND race that can only be both the new class and race.
Hahaha. Because you know, players have been asking for less restrictions since forever. Here’s the most hyper restricted race/class to date!
Do you work for blizzard? Are you an employee of the company? from what I had understood, you were handpicked to represent the interests of a group of people who did not choose you, and even if that were not the case and you were chosen to give your personal opinion, that would be discriminatory towards the rest of the community.
It never even entered my mind that I was supposed to have a different inner voice when reading them. I read them colorblind. Easy peesy. Isn’t that what everyone does?
Look, there’s always going to be someone that wants to serve on the student council, or wants to be of service to other people. If it’s not you, let it go.
Definitely no jealousy though - you treat them with the same respect. Don’t overcompensate and stalk them.
It makes me giggle when people in meaningless jobs are given meaningless titles and it makes them feel more important in life.
Like that ‘council’ over at Facebook who is supposed to be an unbiased third party keeping FB in line over their political bannings.
I just laughed and laughed. Its just as biased as it always was, but now they got them shiny name tags on their polo’s that make them feel uber imporant lmao.
None of that crap matters to me.
Do your job. Stop making excuses. THAT will impress me more than anything else with these people.
This ‘council’ to me sounds like its there for the same reason FB’s is…to give the illusion that someone is paying attention to problem X…and we all know it wont change a single decision made because they aint listening to anyone but themselves, regardless…