I don’t wanna work!

I just wanna play wow with my friends all day :partying_face:

I made a female forsaken priest last night and that’s all I’m thinking about! I was super immersed lvling her and wanna get to lvl 20 for warmode!

Anyone else like me thinking about wow way to much during the day?

Let me know!


WoW is way more fun than work, I agree. Usually I sate my WoW lust by sneak posting on the forums when the bosses aren’t looking. Yes, I have my priorities straight.


I unlocked my zandalari last night and only got to play a little on him. All I’m thinking about it getting home from work and leveling him!!


When I left a few months ago I didn’t want to do anything in wow. Now I have enough stuff I WANT to do it could last the rest of the year.

I’m thinking about leveling my new Zandalari paladin…race changing my druid and shaman and starting M+ on multiple characters/roles.

Just made a Zandalari Hunter, I want to level him now damnit.

Things I still have to do:
-Finish leveling this character and getting heritage armor
-Level at least one of my Alliance characters to 120 (warrior, DH, or druid- hmm)
-Finish unlocking Zandalari and either race change my main like I intended, or make a new one
-Continue mount grinding
-Get around to the Alliance content (see: none at 120 yet)
Yeah this is gonna take me a while.

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Yep, at work, staring at the forum, or sometimes random youtube videos. I have some new humans and new trolls to level, plus older alts I want to level…it’s so difficult to decide who to give more attention to when I’m actually home and have time to play though. Ugh.


Yep this is me entirely. My work is always crazy as I’m the satellite man but when the receivers are downloading I’m on the forums.

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F is for friends who do stuff together
U is for you and me
N is for anywhere and anytime at all

Down here in the deep blue sea! :notes:

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