I don’t want to burst your bubble but…

It was cute they put a mask on Santa, yea should have been festive

Santa may not be real, by I know for a fact that Mrs. Clause knows her way around a credit card.:smirk:

Just keep your hands off my bubble butt.


The easter bunny would like to have some words with you…in a dark alley.

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Bet you’re a lot of fun down at the coffee shop

OK guys, I really have to weigh in here.
I KNOW santa is real, because I SAW HIM MYSELF IN A MALL WHEN I WAS A KID!

Yeah, that’s right, I got to meet an immortal cosmic entity, and he’s definitely REAL!
(And would make a better villain than the Jailer, just saying)

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Another troll and Santa denier seeking attention. Disgusting.



I’m going to need you to check your privilege’s and apologize for hurting my feelings. That fall was pretty intense and 2 sizes too small.

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You said bubble but

Santa isn’t real. Ok but …

It’s actually Satan, lord of the deep that goes house to house giving presents to all the children.

what fleshy mass can survive the speeds required to cover all the surface of the planet in 1 night cycle? Not to mention the acceleration and deceleration forces.

There is no burden, only the joy of physics!

Santa Claus is the hope in the world. Santa Claus is the parents who care for their children. The neighbors who look after each other. The care shown by a stranger to another in times of need. Santa is indeed real, and I don’t want to live in a world without Santa Claus.

And St.Patrick commited an act of genocide against the pagans but is still celebrated with a holiday (the ‘snakes’ that were driven from Ireland were the Pagans as they were considered heathens and snakes, in the bible, are an ‘evil’ creature) by poisoning the alcohol.

Heck, if we look at something else that started around the same time as the St Patrick/St Nick stuff we get Ring around the Rosey. It’s a song about the black death/bubonic plague. The roses are a refference to the rashes from the illness, posies were a typical thing used to try and treat it/help with the ‘bad air’ of the sick, and then the ‘ashes, ashes, we all fall down’ is litterally about immolating the still living but infected people to try and stop the illness.

from Imgflip Meme Generator

A lot of people claim he’s not real to help deal with the fact that they were bad and didn’t get anything.


I only believe in Krumpus or whatever the German one that eats people


santa is a nice guy he eats my burnt cookies i sit out every yr.